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Čerenkov second-harmonic radiation from organic calix[4]arene thin films (1994)In 1994 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe: RAI Congress Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 28 August-2 September, 1994 (pp. 274-275). IEEE. Noordman, O. F. J., van Hulst, N. F. & Bölger, B.Domain structure in corona poled calix[4]arene/polymer films investigated by friction force and raman microscopy (1994)In Proceedings 5th European Quantum Electronics Conference (EQEC 1994) (pp. 84-84). IEEE. Vardanyan, A. G., Noordman, O. F. J., van Hulst, N. F. & Greve, J. coherent anti-Stokes and spontaneous Raman spectroscopy of calix[4]arene films (1994)In Proceedings Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe (CLEO'94) (pp. 252-253). Vardanyan, A. G., Vardanyan, A. G., van Hulst, N. F., Kanger, J. S., Otto, C. & Greve, J.Molecular and macroscopic properties of nonlinear optical active calix[4]arenes (1994)[Contribution to conference › Poster] poster, Congres advanced materials for molecular electronics and photonics. Kenis, P. J. A., Kelderman, E., Ruel, B. H. M., Derhaeg, L., Heesink, G. J. T., Verboom, W., Engbersen, J. F. J., van Hulst, N. F., Persoons, A. & Reinhoudt, D.LPCVD SiON layers for application in SHG devices (1994)[Contribution to conference › Poster] CMO Conference 1994. Woerhoff, K., Lambeck, P., van Hulst, N. F., Albers, H. & Popma, T. J. A.Applications of near-field optical microscopy: Langmuir-Blodgett films, Fluorescence in situ hybridisation and Test structures (1994)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Conferentie van de Sectie Atoomfysica en Quantumelectronica, NNV-AQ 1994. Moers, M. H. P. & van Hulst, N. F.Cerenkov second-Harmonic radiation from organic Calix[4]arenes thin films (1994)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Conferentie van de Sectie Atoomfysica en Quantumelectronica, NNV-AQ 1994. Noordman, O. F. J., van Hulst, N. F. & Bölger, B.Determination of Hyperpolarizability tensor components by depolarized hyper Rayleigh scattering (1994)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Conferentie van de Sectie Atoomfysica en Quantumelectronica, NNV-AQ 1994. van Hulst, N. F., Veerman, J. A. & Tukker, T. W.Probe development for a scanning near field optical microscope (1994)[Contribution to conference › Poster] FOM Symposium Wetenschappelijke Instrumentatie 1994. Ruiter, A. G. T., Moers, M. H. P., van Hulst, N. F. & Bölger, B.Probing field distributions on ridge waveguides (1994)[Contribution to conference › Poster] FOM Symposium Wetenschappelijke Instrumentatie 1994. Borgonjen, E. G., Ruiter, A. G. T., Moers, M. H. P. & van Hulst, N. F.LPCVD SiON layers for application in SHG devices (1994)[Contribution to conference › Poster] FOM-IOP Werkdagen Electro-Optics 1994. Woerhoff, K., Lambeck, P., van Hulst, N. F., Albers, H. & Popma, T. J. A.Spontaneous Raman and CARS of Novel Organic Molecule Calix[4]arene (1994)In Proceedings: XIVth International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy (ICORS'94) (pp. 448-449). Vardanyan, A. G., Vardanyan, A. G., van Hulst, N. F., Kanger, J. S., Otto, C. & Greve, J.Surface topography of Si0.86Ge0.14 observed by Atomic Force Microscopy (1994)In Proceedings 17th Annual Semiconductor Conference, CAS 1994 : Tuesday 11 to Saturday 16, October 1994, Sinaia Hotel, Sinaia Romania (pp. 679-700). Flueraru, C., Dascula, D., Osiceanu, P., van Hulst, N. F., van der Werf, K. O., Putman, C. A. J., Segerink, F. B. & Schipper, E. F.Domain Structure in Corona Poled Calix[4]arene/Polymer Films investigated by Friction Force and Raman Microscopy (1994)[Contribution to conference › Poster] European Quantum Electronics Conference, EQEC 1994. Vardanyan, A. G., Noordman, O. F. J., van Hulst, N. F. & Greve, J.Polarization Sensitive Coherent Anti-Stokes and Spontaneous Raman Spectroscopy of Calix[4]arene Films (1994)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe 1994. Vardanyan, A. G., van Hulst, N. F., Kanger, J. S., Otto, C. & Greve, J.Spontaneous Raman and CARS of Novel Organic Molecule Calix[4]arene (1994)[Contribution to conference › Poster] XIVth International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, ICORS 1994. Vardanyan, A. G., van Hulst, N. F., Kanger, J. S., Otto, C. & Greve, J.Calix[4]arenes as molecules for second order nonlinear optics (1994)[Contribution to conference › Poster] MESA Dag 1994. Kenis, P. J. A., Kelderman, E., Heesink, G. J. T., Verboom, W., Engbersen, J. F. J., van Hulst, N. F., Persoons, A. & Reinhoudt, D.Cerenkov Second Harmonic Radiation from organic thin films (1994)[Contribution to conference › Poster] MESA Dag 1994. Noordman, O. F. J. & van Hulst, N. F.Fluorescence scanning near field optical microscopy (1994)[Contribution to conference › Poster] MESA Dag 1994. Moers, M. H. P., Jalocha, A., Ruiter, A. G. T. & van Hulst, N. F.LPCVD SiON layers for application in SHG devices (1994)[Contribution to conference › Poster] MESA Dag 1994. Woerhoff, K., Lambeck, P., van Hulst, N. F., Albers, H. & Popma, T. J. A.Near field plasmon and force microscopy (1994)[Contribution to conference › Poster] MESA Dag 1994. de Hollander, R. B. G., van Hulst, N. F. & Kooyman, R. P. H.Probe development for a Scanning Near-field Optical Microscope (1994)[Contribution to conference › Poster] MESA Dag 1994. Ruiter, A. G. T., Moers, M. H. P., van Hulst, N. F. & Bölger, B.Probing field distribution of waveguides (1994)[Contribution to conference › Poster] MESA Dag 1994. Borgonjen, E. G., Moers, M. H. P., Ruiter, A. G. T. & van Hulst, N. F.Raman spectroscopy and microscopy of corona poled calix[4]arene films (1994)[Contribution to conference › Poster] MESA Dag 1994. Vardanyan, A. G., Noordman, O. F. J., Ruiter, A. G. T. & van Hulst, N. F.Scanning Probe Manipulation - Opportunities for MESA (1994)[Contribution to conference › Poster] MESA Dag 1994. Plomp, M., van Hulst, N. F. & Greve, J.Surface second harmonic generation of poled calix[4]arene films (1994)[Contribution to conference › Poster] MESA Dag 1994. Lantinga, R., Hall, C., Wijers, C. M. J. & van Hulst, N. F.LPCVD SiOxNy growth for integrated optics application (1994)[Contribution to conference › Poster] FOM-dagen 1994. Woerhoff, K., Lambeck, P., van Hulst, N. F. & Albers, H.Probe developments for Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy (1994)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 2de Nederlandse Symposium over Rastermicroscopieën 1994. Ruiter, A. G. T., Moers, M. H. P., van Hulst, N. F. & Bölger, B.Probing field distributions of ridge waveguides (1994)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 2de Nederlandse Symposium over Rastermicroscopieën 1994. Borgonjen, E. G., Ruiter, A. G. T., Moers, M. H. P. & van Hulst, N. F.Calix[4]arenes as molecules for second order nonlinear optics (1994)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Bijeenkomst SON-werkgemeenschap voor Fysisch-Organische Chemie 1994. Kenis, P. J. A., Kelderman, E., van Hulst, N. F., Verboom, W., Engbersen, J. F. J. & Reinhoudt, D.Analysis of Immunolabeled Cells by Atomic Force Microscopy, Optical Microscopy, and Flow Cytometry (1994)Journal of structural biology, 112(1), 32-40. Neagu, C., van der Werf, K. O., Putman, C. A. J., Kraan, Y. M., de Grooth, B. G., van Hulst, N. F. & Greve, J. of nonlinear macromolecules at surfaces (1994)In Proceedings of 5th European Quantum Electronics Conference (EQEC 1994) (pp. 200-200). IEEE. Wijers, C. M. J., Lantinga, R. & van Hulst, N. F. scanning tunneling microscope in combination with a force microscope (1994)Journal of Applied Physics, 75(3), 1254-1257. Moers, M. H. P., Tack, R. G., van Hulst, N. F. & Bölger, B. Monolayers Studied with a Fluorescence Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscope (1994)Langmuir, 10(8), 2774-2777. Moers, M. H. P., Gaub, H. E. & van Hulst, N. F. mode atomic force microscopy in liquid (1994)Applied physics letters, 64(18), 2454-2456. Putman, C. A. J., van der Werf, K. O., de Grooth, B. G., van Hulst, N. F. & Greve, J. of Living Cells Allows High Resolution Imaging by Tapping Mode Atomic Force Microscopy (1994)Biophysical journal, 67(4), 1749-1753. Putman, C. A. J., van der Werf, K. O., de Grooth, B. G., van Hulst, N. F. & Greve, J.


Probe Development for a Scanning Near-field Optical Microscope (1993)[Contribution to conference › Poster] FOM Symposium Wetenschappelijke Instrumentatie 1993. Ruiter, A. G. T., Moers, M. H. P., van Hulst, N. F. & Bölger, B.Near Field Plasmon and Force Microscopy (1993)[Contribution to conference › Poster] NNV Najaarsconferentie, Sectie Atoomfysica en Quantumelectronica 1993. van Hulst, N. F., de Hollander, R. B. G. & Kooyman, R. P. H.Optical Contrast in Near Field Techniques (1993)[Contribution to conference › Poster] NNV Najaarsconferentie, Sectie Atoomfysica en Quantumelectronica 1993. van Hulst, N. F., Moers, M. H. P., Tack, R. & Bölger, B.Near Field Plasmon and Force Microscopy (1993)[Contribution to conference › Poster] International Conference on Subwavelength Photon Microscopy and Spectroscopy. van Hulst, N. F., de Hollander, R. B. G. & Kooyman, R. P. H.Calix[4]arenes as molecules for second order nonlinear optics (1993)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 18th International Symposium on Macrocyclic Chemistry, ISMC 1993. Kelderman, E., Derhaeg, L., Heesink, G. J. T., Verboom, W., Engbersen, J. F. J., van Hulst, N. F., Persoons, A. & Reinhoudt, D.Atomic Force Microscopy Study of Immunogold labeling process (1993)[Contribution to conference › Poster] MESA Dag 1993. Neagu, C. R., Putman, C. A. J., van der Werf, K., van Hulst, N. F., de Grooth, B. G. & Greve, J.Calixarenes for nonlinear optics (1993)[Contribution to conference › Poster] MESA Dag 1993. Heesink, G. J. T., Noordman, O. F. J., van Hulst, N. F. & Bölger, B.Determination of Hyperpolarizability Tensor Components by Depolarized Hyper Rayleigh Scattering (1993)[Contribution to conference › Poster] MESA Dag 1993. Heesink, G. J. T., Tukker, T. W., van Hulst, N. F. & Bölger, B.Optimization of LPCVD Sion of application in optical waveguides (1993)[Contribution to conference › Poster] MESA Dag 1993. Worhoff, K.Scanning near field optical microscopy (1993)[Contribution to conference › Poster] MESA Dag 1993. Moers, M. H. P., Tack, R., van Hulst, N. F. & Bölger, B.Stand-alone atomic force microscope featuring large scan, friction measurement, atomic resolution and capability of liquid operation (1993)In Scanning Probe Microscopies II: OE/LASE'93: Optics, Electro-Optics, and Laser Applications in Scienceand Engineering, 1993, Los Angeles, CA, United States (pp. 202-208) (Proceedings of SPIE; Vol. 1855). SPIE. Putman, C. A. J., van der Werf, K. O., de Grooth, B. G., van Hulst, N. F. & Greve, J. films of calixarenes for quadratic nonlinear optics (1993)In Proceedings Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'93): Baltimore, Maryland, United States 2–7 May 1993 (pp. 474-476). Article CThP8 (OSA Technical Digest; Vol. 10). Optical Society of America. Heesink, G. J. T., Noordman, O. F. J., van Hulst, N. F., Bölger, B., Kelderman, E., Engbersen, J. F. J., Verboom, W. & Reinhoudt, D. N.Atomic force microscopy study of immunogold labeling method (1993)[Contribution to conference › Poster] NEVAC Scanning Probe Microscopy Symposium 1993. Neagu, C. R., Putman, C. A. J., van der Werf, K., van Hulst, N. F., de Grooth, B. G. & Greve, J.Scanning near field optical microscopy (1993)[Contribution to conference › Poster] NEVAC Scanning Probe Microscopy Symposium 1993. Moers, M. H. P., Tack, R., van Hulst, N. F. & Bölger, B.A combined near field optical and force microscope (1993)Scanning microscopy, 7(3), 789-792. Moers, M. H. P., Tack, R. G., van Hulst, N. F. & Bölger, B.An Atomic Force Microscopical Study of the Synaptonemal Complex (1993)Micron, 24(3), 273-277. Putman, C. A. J., Dietrich, A. J. J., de Grooth, B. G., van Marle, J., Heyting, C., van Hulst, N. F. & Greve, J. force microscopy combined with confocal laser scanning microscopy: a new look at cells (1993)Bioimaging, 1(2), 63-70. Putman, C. A. J., van Leeuwen, A. M., de Grooth, B. G., Radosevic, K., van der Werf, K. O., van Hulst, N. F. & Greve, J.<63::AID-BIO1>3.0.CO;2-YCombined Photon Scanning Tunneling Microscope and Atomic Force Microscope using Silicon Nitride Probes (1993)In Near Field Optics (pp. 79-86). Kluwer Academic Publishers. Moers, M. H. P., Tack, R. G., Noordman, O. F. J., Segerink, F. B., van Hulst, N. F. & Bölger, B. Scanning Near Field Optical and Force Microscopy (1993)Microscopy research and technique, 25(2), 177-178. van Hulst, N. F., Moers, M. H. P., Tack, R. G. & Bölger, B. stand-alone atomic force microscope (1993)Review of scientific instruments, 64(10), 2892-2897. van der Werf, K. O., Putman, C. A. J., de Grooth, B. G., Segerink, F. B., van Hulst, N. F., Greve, J. & Schipper, E. H. of in situ hybridization to human chromosomes with the Atomic Force Microscope (1993)Cytometry, 14(1), 356-361. Putman, C. A. J., de Grooth, B. G., Wiegant, J., Raap, A. K., van der Werf, K. O., van Hulst, N. F. & Greve, J. of Hyperpolarizability Tensor Components by Depolarized Hyper Rayleigh Scattering (1993)Physical review letters, 71(7), 999-1002. Heesink, G. J. T., Ruiter, A. G. T., van Hulst, N. F. & Bölger, B. ordered films of neat calix[4]arenes for second nonlinear optics (1993)Advanced materials, 5(12), 925-930. Kelderman, E., Heesink, G. J. T., Derhaeg, L., Verbiest, T., Klaase, P. T. A., Verboom, W., Engbersen, J. F. J., van Hulst, N. F., Clays, K., Persoons, A. & Reinhoudt, D. N. labels: cell-surface markers in atomic force microscopy (1993)Ultramicroscopy, 48(1-2), 177-182. Putman, C. A. J., de Grooth, B. G., Hansma, P. K., van Hulst, N. F. & Greve, J. optical microscope using a silicon-nitride probe (1993)Applied physics letters, 62(5), 461-463. van Hulst, N. F., Moers, M. H. P., Noordman, O. F. J., Tack, R. G., Segerink, F. B. & Bölger, B. optical microscopy in transmission and reflection modes in combination with force microscopy (1993)Journal of microscopy, 171(2), 95-105. van Hulst, N. F., Moers, M. H. P. & Bölger, B. calixarenes in thin films for efficient second harmonic generation (1993)Applied physics letters, 62(17), 2015-2017. Heesink, G. J. T., van Hulst, N. F., Bölger, B., Kelderman, E., Engbersen, J. F. J., Verboom, W. & Reinhoudt, D. N. CARS of excited-state rhodamine 6G: induced ansisotropy effects on depolarization ratios (1993)Applied spectroscopy, 47(12), 1975-1988. Lucassen, G. W., Lucassen, G., de Boeij, W. P. & Greve, J.


Combined Scanning Near Field Optical and Force Microscopy (1992)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Najaarsvergadering van de Sectie Atoomfysica en Quantumelectronica, NNV-AQ 1992. van Hulst, N. F., Moers, M. H. P., Tack, R., Noordman, O. F. J. & Bölger, B.Application of an atomic force microscope with an integrated optical microscope to biological samples (1992)[Contribution to conference › Poster] MICRO 1992. van Hulst, N. F., Putman, C. A. J., van Oort, G., van der Werf, K., de Grooth, B. G. & Greve, J.Application of an atomic force microscope with an integrated optical microscope to biological samples (1992)In MICRO'92 (pp. 152-152) (Proceedings of the Royal Microscopial Society; Vol. 27). Royal Microscopical Society. van Hulst, N. F., Putman, C. A. J., van Oort, G., van der Werf, K., de Grooth, B. G. & Greve, J.Near field Optical Microscopy in transmission and reflection, combined with force microscopy (1992)In MICRO'92: International Symposium on Microarchitecture (pp. 147-147) (Proceedings of the Royal Microscopical Society; Vol. 27). Seacourt Press. van Hulst, N. F., Moers, M. H. P., Noordman, O. F. J., Achten, F., Segerink, F. B. & Bölger, B.Calix[4]arene thin films for efficient second harmonic generation (1992)[Contribution to conference › Poster] MESA Dag 1992. Heesink, G. J. T., van Hulst, N. F., Bölger, B., Kelderman, E., Engbersen, J. F. J., Verboom, W. & Reinhoudt, D.Near field optical microscopy combined with scanning force microscopy (1992)[Contribution to conference › Poster] MESA Dag 1992. Moers, M. H. P., Noordman, O. F. J., Tack, R., Segerink, F. B., van Hulst, N. F. & Bölger, B.Near field optical microscopy combined with scanning force microscopy (1992)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 3D Imaging Sciences in Microscopy 1992, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Moers, M. H. P., Noordman, O. F. J., van der Werf, K., Segerink, F. B., van Hulst, N. F. & Bölger, B.Chromosome structure investigated with the atomic force microscope (1992)In Scanning Probe Microscopies (pp. 205-211) (Proceedings of SPIE; Vol. 1639). SPIE. de Grooth, B. G., Putman, C. A. J., van der Werf, K. O., van Hulst, N. F., van Oort, G. & Greve, J. imaging mode in atomic-force microscopy based on the error signal (1992)In Scanning Probe Microscopies (pp. 198-204) (Proceedings of Spie; Vol. 1639). SPIE. Putman, C. A. J., van der Werf, K. O., de Grooth, B. G., van Hulst, N. F., Greve, J. & Hansma, P. K. of a scanning near field optical microscope in reflection in combination with a scanning force microscope (1992)In Scanning Probe Microscopies (pp. 36-43) (Proceedings of SPIE; Vol. 1639). SPIE. van Hulst, N. F., Moers, M. H. P., Noordman, O. F. J., Faulkner, T., Segerink, F. B., van der Werf, K. O., de Grooth, B. G. & Bölger, B. detailed analysis of the optical beam deflection technique for use in atomic force microscopy (1992)Journal of Applied Physics, 72(2), 6-12. Putman, C. A. J., de Grooth, B. G., van Hulst, N. F. & Greve, J. theoretical comparison between interferometric and optical beam deflection technique for the measurement of cantilever displacement in AFM (1992)Ultramicroscopy, 42(44), 1509-1513. Putman, C. A. J., de Grooth, B. G., van Hulst, N. F. & Greve, J. force microscope featuring an integrated optical microscope (1992)Ultramicroscopy, 42(44), 1549-1552. Putman, C. A. J., de Grooth, B. G., van Hulst, N. F. & Greve, J. force microscope with integrated optical microscope for biological applications (1992)Review of scientific instruments, 63(3), 1914-1917. Putman, C. A. J., van der Werf, K. O., de Grooth, B. G., van Hulst, N. F., Segerink, F. B. & Greve, J. pyrrolo[1,2-a]quinolines as second-order nonlinear optical materials (1992)Chemistry of materials, 4(3), 626-631. Kelderman, E., Verboom, W., Engbersen, J. F. J., Harkema, S., Heesink, G. J. T., Lehmusvaara, E., van Hulst, N. F., Reinhoudt, D. N., Derhaeg, L. & Persoons, A. optical microscopy: effects of polarization, tip shape and radiative waves (1992)Ultramicroscopy, 42-44(Part 1), 416-421. van Hulst, N. F., Segerink, F. B., Achten, F. & Bölger, B. resolution imaging of dielectric surfaces with an evanescent field optical microscope (1992)Optics communications, 87(5-6), 212-218. van Hulst, N. F., Segerink, F. B. & Bölger, B.[4]arenes as Molecules for Second-Order Nonlinear Optics (1992)Angewandte Chemie (international edition), 31(8), 1075-1077. Kelderman, E., Derhaeg, L., Heesink, G. J. T., Verboom, W., Engbersen, J. F. J., van Hulst, N. F., Persoons, A. & Reinhoudt, D.Nitrocalix[4]arenes as molecules for second-order nonlinear optics (1992)Angewandte Chemie (international edition), 31(8), 1075-1077. Kelderman, E., Verboom, W., Engbersen, J. F. J., Reinhoudt, D. N., Heesink, G. J. T., van Hulst, N. F., Derhaeg, L. & Persoons, A. Microscopy beyond the Diffraction Limit (1992)Microscopy and analysis (E MEA edition), 15, 21-23. van Hulst, N. F. & Segerink, F. B.Vacuum chamber for sample attachment in atomic force microscopy (1992)Review of scientific instruments, 63(8), 4012-4013. Putman, C. A. J., van der Werf, K. O., van Oort, G., de Grooth, B. G., van Hulst, N. F. & Greve, J.


Scanning near field optical microscopy (1991)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Symposium, A close look at Scanning Probe Microscopy. Moers, M. H. P., Noordman, O. F. J., Achten, F., Faulkner, T., Segerink, F. B. & van Hulst, N. F.Linear and nonlinear optical properties of substituted pyrrolo[1,2-a]quinolines (1991)In Physical Concepts of Materials for Novel Optoelectronic Device Applications: I: Materials Growth and Characterization (pp. 581-588) (Proceedings of SPIE; Vol. 1361). SPIE. van Hulst, N. F., Heesink, G. J. T., Bölger, B., Kelderman, E., Verboom, W. & Reinhoudt, D. N. Field Optical Microscopy: effects of polarization, tip shave and radiative wases (1991)[Contribution to conference › Poster] MESA Dag 1991. van Hulst, N. F., Segerink, F. B., Achten, F. & Bölger, B.Frequency doubling of diode laser radiation in KNbO3 (1991)[Contribution to conference › Poster] MESA Dag 1991. Heesink, G. J. T., de Leeuw, H. & van Hulst, N. F.Linear and nonlinear optical properties of substituted pyrollo [1,2a] quinolines (1991)[Contribution to conference › Poster] MESA Dag 1991. van Hulst, N. F., Heesink, G. J. T., Bölger, B., Kelderman, E., Verboom, W. & Reinhoudt, D.Scanning Force Microscopy using Optical interferometry (1991)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation external]. den Boef, A. J.An Evanescent Field Optical Microscope (1991)In Scanned Probe Microscopy (pp. 79-94) (AIP Conference Proceedings; Vol. 241). American Institute of Physics. van Hulst, N. F., Segerink, F. B. & Bölger, B. evanescent-field optical microscope (1991)Journal of microscopy, 163(2), 117-130. van Hulst, N. F., de Boer, N. P. & Bölger, B. Field optical Microscopy (1991)Microscopy and analysis (E MEA edition), 0(11), 7-7. van Hulst, N. F.


A new waveguide device for second harmonic generation in form of Cerenkov radiation (1990)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 5th Sensors &amp; Actuators Symposium 1990<br/>. Heesink, G. J. T., van Hulst, N. F. & Bölger, B.Chirral pyrrolo [1,2a]quinolines as potential NLO-materials, S&A Symposium (1990)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Poster. Kelderman, E., Verboom, W., Reinhoudt, D., Heesink, G. J. T., van Hulst, N. F. & Bölger, B.Second harmonic generation of laserdiode radiation in KNbO3 (1990)[Contribution to conference › Poster] SPIE International Conference on Physical Concepts of Materials for Novel Optoelectronic Device Applications 1990. Heesink, G. J. T., van Hulst, N. F. & de Leeuw, H.Linear and non-linear optical properties of substituted pyrrolo [1-2a] quinolines (1990)In Physical Concepts of Materials for Novel Optoelectronic Device Applications: I: Materials Growth and Characterization (pp. 581-588) (Proceedings of SPIE; Vol. 3161). SPIE. van Hulst, N. F., Heesink, G. J. T., Bölger, B., Kelderman, E., Verboom, W. & Reinhoudt, D. N.Second harmonic generation of diode laser radiation in KNbO3 (1990)In Physical Concepts of Materials for Novel Optoelectronic Device Applications: II: Device Physics and Applications (pp. 631-646) (Proceedings of SPIE; Vol. 1362). SPIE. van Hulst, N. F., Heesink, G. J. T., de Leeuw, H. & Bölger, B. and non-linear optical properties of substituted pyrrolo[1-2a]quinolines (1990)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Arago Symposium 1990. Kelderman, E., van Hulst, N. F., Heesink, G. J. T. & Bölger, B.Second harmonic generation of laserdiode radiation in KNbO3 (1990)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Arago Symposium 1990. van Hulst, N. F., Heesink, G. J. T., de Leeuw, H. & Bölger, B.Scanning Near field Optical Microscopy (1990)[Contribution to conference › Paper] MICRO90. de Boer, N. P., van Hulst, N. F. & Bölger, B.Chemical etching induced by a pulsed laser beam (1990)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research external, graduation UT]. Baller, T. S.A new waveguide device for second harmonic generation in form of Cerenkov radiation (1990)In Sensors & actuators: optical transducers: proceedings S&A Symposium of the University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands, November 15-16, 1990 (pp. 307-311). Kluwer. Heesink, G. J. T., van Hulst, N. F. & Bölger, B.