Publications 1995-1999

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Mapping subwavelength scale interference of light scattering (1999)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Flück, E., Peeters, C., Kuipers, L. & van Hulst, N. F.Phase mapping of optical fields in optical waveguides (1999)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Balistreri, M. L. M., Korterik, J. P., Kuipers, L. & van Hulst, N. F.Analysis of Generalized Mach–Zehnder Interferometers for Variable-Ratio Power Splitting and Optimized Switching (1999)Journal of lightwave technology, 17(12), 2542-2550. Lagali, N. S., Paiam, M. R., MacDonald, R. I., Worhoff, K. & Driessen, A. reduction of a Mach-Zehnder based add-drop multiplexer (1999)In IEEE/LEOS Benelux (pp. 195-198). Roeloffzen, C. G. H., de Ridder, R. M., Worhoff, K. & Driessen, A.Phase mapping of optical fields in integrated optical waveguide devices (1999)In Proceedings IEEE/LEOS Symposium Benelux Chapter (pp. 81-84). Balistreri, M. L. M., Korterik, J. P., Kuipers, L. & van Hulst, N. F.Phase mapping of optical fields in integrated optical waveguide devices (1999)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Balistreri, M. L. M., Korterik, J. P., Kuipers, L. & van Hulst, N. F.Single Molecule Detection: Quantum jumps, rotation, switching (1999)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. ten Have, E. S., Veerman, J. A., Garcia Parajo, M. F., Kuipers, L. & van Hulst, N. F.Visualizing light scattering on a subwavelength scale (1999)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Flück, E., Peeters, C., Kuipers, L., Otter, A. M. & van Hulst, N. F.DNA protein interactions: single molecule spectroscopy and imaging (1999)In Proceedings of the Dutch Annual Conference on BioMedical Engineering (pp. 114-115). Segers-Nolten, G. M. J., Garcia Parajo, M. F., Rademakers, S., Vermeulen, W., Lenferink, A. T. M., Otto, C., Hoeijmakers, J. H. J. & Greve, J.Spectral mode-beat phenomena in a cylindrical microcavity (1999)In 12th Annual meeting of the IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society (pp. 489-490). Klunder, D. J. W., Balistreri, M. L. M., Blom, F. C., Driessen, A., Hoekstra, H., Kuipers, L. & van Hulst, N. F. forks, versatile and sensitive height detectors. (1999)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Rensen, W. H. J., de Bakker, B. I., Ruiter, A. G. T., West, P. E. & van Hulst, N. F.A close look at optical scattering phenomena with PSTM (1999)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Flück, E., Peeters, C., Kuipers, L. & van Hulst, N. F.Fluorescence lifetime measurements of single molecules (1999)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. van den Berg, C. A. T., Segerink, F. B., Kuipers, L. & van Hulst, N. F.Near-field optical photodynamical studies of individual biomolecules (1999)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Garcia Parajo, M. F., Veerman, J. A., Segers-Nolten, G. M. J., Greve, J. & van Hulst, N. F.Photodynamics of individual molecules (1999)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. ten Have, E. S., Veerman, J. A., Garcia Parajo, M. F., Kuipers, L. & van Hulst, N. F.Shear force microscopy: towards molecular resolution in liquid (1999)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Rensen, W. H. J., West, P. E., Ruiter, A. G. T. & van Hulst, N. F.DNA-protein interactions: single molecule spectroscopy and imaging (1999)In Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules: New Directions (pp. 273-274). Segers-Nolten, G. M. J., Garcia Parajo, M. F., Rademakers, S., Vermeulen, W., Lenferink, A. T. M., Otto, C., Hoeijmakers, J. H. J. & Greve, J.Probing local fields in advanced optical devices (1999)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Balistreri, M. L. M., Flück, E., Peeters, C., Korterik, J. P., Otter, A. M., Kuipers, L. & van Hulst, N. F.Single Molecule Detection: Quantum jumps, rotation, switching (1999)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. ten Have, E. S., Garcia Parajo, M. F., Veerman, J. A., Bratfalean, A. E., Kuipers, L., van Hulst, N. F., Rensen, W. H. J. & Segerink, F. B.Near-field Scanning Optical Microscopy of Single Fluorescent Dendritic Molecules (1999)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Veerman, J. A., Levi, S., van Veggel, F. C. J. M., Reinhoudt, D. & van Hulst, N. F.Real time light-driven dynamics of the fluorecence emission in individual copies of the green fluorescent protein (1999)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Garcia Parajo, M. F., Segers-Nolten, G. M. J., Veerman, J. A., Greve, J. & van Hulst, N. F.Time-varying triplet state lifetimes of single molecules (1999)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Veerman, J. A., ten Have, E. S., Garcia Parajo, M. F., Kuipers, L. & van Hulst, N. F.Looking into Photonic Structures with a Photon Scanning Tunnelling Microscope (1999)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Kuipers, L., Peeters, C., Flück, E., Balistreri, M. L. M., Otter, A. M. & van Hulst, N. F.Quantum Jumps of Individual Emitters at Room Temperature (1999)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Veerman, J. A., Garcia Parajo, M. F., Kuipers, L. & van Hulst, N. F.Single Molecule Detection with a Near-field Optical Microscope (1999)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Veerman, J. A.Individual green fluorescent proteins (GFP) studied by near-field optical microscopy (1999)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Garcia Parajo, M. F., Veerman, J. A., Segers-Nolten, G. M. J., de Grooth, B. G., Greve, J. & van Hulst, N. F.Design, Tolerance Analysis, and Fabrication of Silicon Oxynitride Based Planar Optical Waveguides for Communication Devices (1999)Journal of lightwave technology, 17(8), 1401-1407. Worhoff, K., Lambeck, P. & Driessen, A. triplet state lifetimes of single molecules (1999)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. ten Have, E. S.Looking into photonic structures with a Photon STM (1999)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Flück, E., Peeters, C., Kuipers, L. & van Hulst, N. F.Near-field optical photodynamical studies of individual biomolecules (1999)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Garcia Parajo, M. F., Veerman, J. A., Segers-Nolten, G. M. J., Greve, J. & van Hulst, N. F.Quantum jumps of individual molecules (1999)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Veerman, J. A., Garcia Parajo, M. F., Kuipers, L. & van Hulst, N. F.Looking into photonic structures with photon scanning tunneling microscopy (1999)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Flück, E., Peeters, C., Kuipers, L. & van Hulst, N. F.Single Molecule Study of Nucleotide Excision Repair Complexes Using GFP Fusion Products (1999)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Segers-Nolten, G. M. J., Garcia Parajo, M. F., Rademakers, S., Vermeulen, W., Lenferink, A. T. M., Otto, C., Hoeijmakers, J. H. J. & Greve, J.Polarized excited-state Raman microspectroscopy of Nickel(II)-octaethylporphyrin (1999)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Otto, C., Voroshilov, A., Balistreri, M. L. M., Kok, D. B. J., Kruglik, S. G. & Greve, J.Plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition silicon oxynitride optimized for application in integrated optics (1999)Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 74(1-3), 9-12. Worhoff, K., Driessen, A., Lambeck, P., Hilderink, L. T. H., Linders, P. W. C. & Popma, T. J. A. x 4 variable-ratio integrated optical power splitter (1999)In Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Integrated Optics and Technical Exhibition. Postdeadline session (pp. 9-12). Lagali, N. S., Paiam, M. R., Macdonald, R. I., Worhoff, K. & Driessen, A.Analysis of nanometer resolution images of whispering gallery modes in an integrated optic cylindrical micro-resonator (1999)In Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Integrated Optics and Technical Exhibition (pp. 113-116). Klunder, D. J. W., Balistreri, M. L. M., Blom, F. C., Driessen, A., Kuipers, L., Hoekstra, H., van Hulst, N. F. & Popma, T. J. A.Modelling, fabrication and characterisation of microcavities at MESA Lightwave Devices Group (1999)In Proceedings of the COST 268 Workshop on Wavelength Scale Photonic Components for Telecommunications (pp. -). de Ridder, R. M., Driessen, A., Hoekstra, H., Klunder, D. J. W., Stoffer, R., Balistreri, M. L. M. & van Hulst, N. F.Cirkels van licht (1999)In FOM Jaarboek 1998 (pp. 46-48). van Hulst, N. F.Atomic force microscopy as a tool in cell biological research for ground based and in-flight studies (1999)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. van Loon, J. & van Hulst, N. F.Individual green fluorescent proteins (GFP) studied by near-field optical microscopy (1999)In Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules: New Directions (pp. 89-92). Garcia Parajo, M. F., Veerman, J. A., Segers-Nolten, G. M. J., de Grooth, B. G. & van Hulst, N. F.Atomic steps with tuning-fork-based non-contact atomic force microscopy (1999)In Jaarboek 1999 Nederlandse Vereniging voor Microscopie (pp. 97-97). Press Point. Rensen, W. H. J., Ruiter, A. G. T., West, P. E. & van Hulst, N. F.Probing local optical fields with a photon scanning tunneling microscope (1999)In Jaarboek 1999 Nederlandse Vereniging voor Microscopie (pp. 49-49). Press Point. Kuipers, L., Balistreri, M. L. M., Flück, E., Peeters, C., Korterik, J. P. & van Hulst, N. F.Real time light-driven dynamics of the fluorescence emission in individual copies of the green fluorescent protein (1999)In Jaarboek 1999 - Nederlandse Vereniging voor Microscopie. (pp. 40-41). Press Point. Garcia Parajo, M. F., Segers-Nolten, G. M. J., Veerman, J. A., Greve, J. & van Hulst, N. F.A Physical Approach to Reduce Nonspecific Adhesion in Molecular Recognition Atomic Force Microscopy (1999)Biophysical journal, 76(2), 716-724. Willemsen, O. H., Snel, M. M. E., Kuipers, L., Figdor, C., Greve, J. & de Grooth, B. G. Steps with tuning-fork-based noncontact atomic force microscopy (1999)Applied physics letters, 75(11), 1640-1642. Rensen, W. H. J., van Hulst, N. F., Ruiter, A. G. T. & West, P. E. molecuul als detector van sub-golflengte veldverdelingen (1999)Van A tot Q, 1999(13), 65-74. Veerman, J. A., Garcia Parajo, M. F., Kuipers, L. & van Hulst, N. F. molecuul als detector van sub-golflengte veldverdelingen (1999)Photonics magazine, 25(6), 9-17. Veerman, J. A., Garcia Parajo, M. F., Kuipers, L. & van Hulst, N. F.Guided wave acoustooptic interaction with phase modulation in a ZnO thin-film transducer on an Si-based integrated Mach-Zehnder interferometer (1999)Journal of lightwave technology(17), 35-42. Bonnotte, E., Gorecki, C., Toshiyoshi, H., Kawakatsu, H., Fujita, H., Worhoff, K. & Hashimoto, K.Near-field optical microscopy (1999)In Light Microscopy in Biology (pp. 341-371). Oxford University Press. van Hulst, N. F.Near-field scanning optical microscopy of single fluorescent dendritic molecules (1999)In Jaarboek 1999 Nederlandse Vereniging voor Microscopie (pp. 46-46). Press Point. van Hulst, N. F., Veerman, J. A., Levi, S., van Veggel, F. C. J. M. & Reinhoudt, D.Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscopy of Single Fluorescent Dendritic Molecules (1999)The journal of physical chemistry A, 103(51), 11264-11270. Veerman, J. A., Levi, S., van Veggel, F. C. J. M., Reinhoudt, D. & van Hulst, N. F. molecule mapping of the optical field distribution of probes for near-field microscopy (1999)Journal of microscopy, 194(2/3), 477-482. Veerman, J. A., Garcia Parajo, M. F., Kuipers, L. & van Hulst, N. F. Triplet State Lifetimes of Single Molecules (1999)Physical review letters, 83(11), 2155-2158. Veerman, J. A., Garcia Parajo, M. F., Kuipers, L. & van Hulst, N. F. Individual Green Fluorescent Proteins With a Near Field Optical Microscope (1999)Cytometry, 36(3), 239-246. Garcia Parajo, M. F., Veerman, J. A., Segers-Nolten, G. M. J., de Grooth, B. G., Greve, J. & van Hulst, N. F.<239::AID-CYTO14>3.0.CO;2-YVisualizing the whispering gallery modes in a cylindrical optical microcavity (1999)Optics letters, 24(24), 1829-1831. Balistreri, M. L. M., Klunder, D. J. W., Blom, F. C., Driessen, A., Hoekstra, H., Korterik, J. P., Kuipers, L. & van Hulst, N. F.


Silicon oxynitride waveguides for application in integrated optics (1998)In CMO Conference 1998 (pp. -). Worhoff, K., Driessen, A., de Ridder, R. M., Lambeck, P. & Popma, T. J. A.Looking into photonic structures with photon scanning tunnelling microscopy (1998)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Kuipers, L. & van Hulst, N. F.Photo-induced reflectivity for tip-less near-field infrared microscopy (1998)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Kuipers, L., Korterik, J. P., van den Berg, C. A. T., Knippels, G. M. H. & van Hulst, N. F.Silicon oxynitride in integrated optics (1998)In Proceedings LEOS'98 Conference, vol.2 (pp. 370-371). IEEE. Worhoff, K., de Ridder, R. M., Lambeck, P. & Driessen, A. of an integrated optics microcavity with a PSTM as a function of position and wavelength (1998)In Postdeadline papers; LEOS '98, 11th Annual Meeting; IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society (pp. 2-3). Balistreri, M. L. M., Driessen, A., Klunder, D. J. W., Blom, F. C., Kuipers, L., Hoekstra, H. & van Hulst, N. F.3D-BPM analysis of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer wavelength filter: influence of MMI-coupler parameters and coherent crosstalk (1998)In Proceedings of the Annual Symposium IEEE/LEOS Benelux Chapter (pp. 177-180). Roeloffzen, C. G. H., Driessen, A., de Ridder, R. M. & Worhoff, K.Looking into photonic structures with photon scanning tunnelling microscopy (1998)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Kuipers, L. & van Hulst, N. F.Time-varying triplet state lifetimes observed by single molecule detection (1998)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Veerman, J. A., Kuipers, L., Garcia Parajo, M. F. & van Hulst, N. F.Silicon oxynitride planar waveguiding structures for application in optical communication (1998)IEEE journal of selected topics in quantum electronics, 4(6), 930-937. de Ridder, R. M., Worhoff, K., Driessen, A., Lambeck, P. & Albers, H. states on individual fluorescent molecules: Direct observation at room temperature using near-field optical microscopy (1998)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Garcia Parajo, M. F., Veerman, J. A., Kuipers, L. & van Hulst, N. F.Imaging of the whispering gallery modes in cylindrical integrated optic microcavities (1998)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Balistreri, M. L. M., Korterik, J. P., Blom, F. C., Driessen, A., Kuipers, L. & van Hulst, N. F.Near-field optical microscopy: Powerful tool for molecular biology studies (1998)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Garcia Parajo, M. F., Veerman, J. A., de Grooth, B. G., Greve, J. & van Hulst, N. F.Novel high definition NSOM probes made by focused ion beam milling: a breakthrough in single molecule fluorescence detection (1998)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Veerman, J. A.Shear Force Microscopy in liquid (1998)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Rensen, W. H. J.Tuning fork based non-contact AFM (1998)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Rensen, W. H. J.Various current regimes applicable for sensing in µTAS (1998)In Micro Total Analysis Systems ’98: Proceedings of the uTAS ’98 Workshop, held in Banff, Canada, 13–16 October 1998 (pp. 125-128). Kluwer Academic Publishers. Olthuis, W., Bohm, S., Neagu, C. & Bergveld, P. time microsecond single molecule detection using Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy (NSOM) (1998)In Unknown (pp. 22-23). Garcia Parajo, M. F., Veerman, J. A., de Grooth, B. G., Greve, J. & van Hulst, N. F.Birefringence compensation in double-core optical waveguides (1998)In 24th European Conference on Optical Communicaton (ECOC 1998) (pp. 605-606). IEEE. Wörhoff, K., Offrein, B. J., Driessen, A., Lambeck, P. V., Bona, G. L. & Popma, T. J. A. Medical Microactuator based on a Electrochemical Principle (1998)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. Universiteit Twente - Elektrotechniek. Neagu, C. & Rusu, C. R.Silica-based rib waveguides for integrated optics using multimode interference (1998)In Proceedings, Applications of Photonic technology 3 (SPIE, vol 3491) (pp. 380-385). Lagali, N. S., Macdonald, R. I., Paiam, M. R., Worhoff, K. & Driessen, A.Near-field fluorescence microscopy of single molecules for genetic applications: DNA-dye interaction and green fluorescent protein (1998)In Royal Microscopical Society Proceedings (pp. 109-110). Royal Microscopical Society. Garcia Parajo, M. F., Veerman, J. A., van Noort, S. J. T., de Grooth, B. G., Greve, J. & van Hulst, N. F.Photon tunnelling microscopy of in integrated waveguide structures (1998)In Royal Microscopical Society Proceedings, Vol.33 (pp. 109-109). Royal Microscopical Society. Balistreri, M. L. M., Borrise, X. & van Hulst, N. F.Birefringence compensated silicon oxynitride waveguiding structures for application in telecommunication devices (1998)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Worhoff, K., Lambeck, P. & Driessen, A.Dark states of individual fluorescent molecules: Direct observation at room temperature using a near-field scanning optical microscope (1998)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Garcia Parajo, M. F., Veerman, J. A., Kuipers, L. & van Hulst, N. F.Imaging of the optical intensity distribution in integrated optical waveguides (1998)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Balistreri, M. L. M., Korterik, J. P. & van Hulst, N. F.Near-field Optical Microscopy: Powerful tool for Molecular Biology studies (1998)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Garcia Parajo, M. F., Veerman, J. A., de Grooth, B. G., Greve, J. & van Hulst, N. F.Novel high definition NSOM probes made by Focused Ion Beam milling: a breakthrough in Single Molecule Fluorescence detection (1998)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Veerman, J. A., Otter, A. M., Garcia Parajo, M. F., Kuipers, L. & van Hulst, N. F.Realisation of Multimode Interference Devices in PECVD-SiON Waveguide Technology (1998)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Macdonald, S. E., Paiam, M. R., Driessen, A., Worhoff, K. & Lagali, N. S.Near field optics, light microscopy at the molecular scale (1998)In Royal Microscopical Society Proceedings (pp. 95-95). van Hulst, N. F.Photodynamics of single molecules observed by near-field optical microscopy (1998)In Royal Microscopy Society Proceedings, Vol. 33 (pp. 110-110). Royal Microscopical Society. Veerman, J. A., Garcia Parajo, M. F., Kuipers, L. & van Hulst, N. F.Photo-dynamics and rotational diffusion of single fluorophores observed by near-field scanning optical microscopy (1998)In Analytica Conference 98, abstracts (pp. 416-416). van Hulst, N. F., Veerman, J. A., Garcia Parajo, M. F. & Ruiter, A. G. T.Whispering gallery modes in an integrated optics micro-resonator (1998)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Klunder, D. J. W., Balistreri, M. L. M., Blom, F. C., Stoffer, R., Hoekstra, H., Driessen, A., van Hulst, N. F., Little, B. E. & Popma, T. J. A.Near Field Optics, Light Microscopy At The Molecular Scale (1998)In EQEC'98: Technical digest (pp. 243-243). IEEE. van Hulst, N. F. Structure in Bands and Interbands of Polytene Chromosomes Imaged by Atomic Force Microscopy (1998)Journal of structural biology, 121(1), 2-8. de Grauw, C. J., Avogadro, A., van den Heuvel, D. J., van der Werf, K. O., Otto, C., Kraan, Y., van Hulst, N. F. & Greve, J. Visualization of Dynamic Protein-DNA Interactions with a Dedicated Atomic Force Microscope (1998)Biophysical journal, 74(6), 2840-2849. van Noort, S. J. T., van der Werf, K., Eker, A. P. M., Wyman, C., de Grooth, B. G., van Hulst, N. F. & Greve, J. definition aperture probes for near-field optical microscopy fabricated by focused ion beam milling (1998)Applied physics letters, 1998(24), 3115-3117. Veerman, J. A., Otter, A. M., Kuipers, L. & van Hulst, N. F. machining workstation for a diode pumped Nd:YAG high brightness laser system (1998)Review of scientific instruments, 1998(5), 2118-2119. Kleijhorst, R. A., Offerhaus, H. L. & Bant, P. optica de campo cercano, NSOM: imagenes a nivel molecular (1998)In Congreso Espanol de microscopia de efecto tunel, de fuerzas atomicas y tecnicas afines (pp. 33-36). Garcia Parajo, M. F., Veerman, J. A., de Grooth, B. G., Greve, J. & van Hulst, N. F.Near field scanning optical microscopy for DNA studies at the singel molecular level (1998)In Analytica conference 98, abstracts (pp. 358-358). Garcia Parajo, M. F., Veerman, J. A., van Noort, S. J. T., de Grooth, B. G., Greve, J. & van Hulst, N. F.Near-field optical and shear-force microscopy of single fluorophores and DNA molecules (1998)Ultramicroscopy, 71(1-4), 311-319. Garcia-Parajo, M. F., Veerman, J.-A., Ruiter, A. G. T. & van Hulst, N. F. optical microscopy for DNA studies at the single molecular level (1998)Bioimaging, 6(1), 43-53. Garcia Parajo, M. F., Veerman, J. A., van Noort, S. J. T., de Grooth, B. G., Greve, J. & van Hulst, N. F.<43::AID-BIO6>3.0.CO;2-FNear-field Single Molecular Optics for High Density Data Storage (1998)Optical memory and neural networks, 1998(7), 283-290. Garcia Parajo, M. F., Veerman, J. A., de Grooth, B. G., Greve, J. & van Hulst, N. F. Selected papers from the 4th International Conference on Near-Field Optics and Related Techniques (1998)Ultramicroscopy, 1998(71), 1-4. van Hulst, N. F. & Lewis, A.Scanning near-field optical microscopy (1998)In Nanotechnology; towards a molecular construction kit (pp. 313-320). STT Netherlands Study Centre for Technology Trends. van Hulst, N. F.Second-order nonlinear optical properties of the four tetranitrotetrapropoxycalix[4]arene conformers (1998)Journal of the American Chemical Society, 120(31), 1225-1234. Kenis, P. J. A., Noordman, O. F. J., Houbrechts, S., van Hummel, G. J., Harkema, S., van Veggel, F. C. J. M., Clays, K., Engbersen, J. F. J., Persoons, A., van Hulst, N. F. & Reinhoudt, D. N. materials: molecular packing of tetranitrotetrapropoxycalix[4]arene in highly stable films with second-order nonlinear optical properties (1998)Chemistry : a European journal, 4(7), 1225-1234. Kenis, P. J. A., Noordman, O. F. J., Schönherr, H., Kerver, E. G., Snellink‐Ruël, B. H. M., van Hummel, G. J., Harkema, S., van der Vorst, C. P. J. M., Hare, J., Picken, S. J., Engbersen, J. F. J., van Hulst, N. F., Vancso, G. J. & Reinhoudt, D. N.<1225::AID-CHEM1225>3.0.CO;2-6Tuning fork shear-force feedback (1998)Ultramicroscopy, 1998(71), 149-157. Ruiter, A. G. T., van der Werf, K., Veerman, J. A., Garcia Parajo, M. F., Rensen, W. H. J. & van Hulst, N. F.


Near-field optics: light at the molecular scale (1997)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. van Hulst, N. F.High brightness, diode pumped, high power Nd:YAG laser system (1997)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. PrintPartners. Offerhaus, H. L.General Introduction into Scanning Probe Microscope in Bio/Medical Application (1997)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Rensen, W. H. J.General Introduction into Scanning Probe Microscopy in Bio/Medical Application (1997)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Rensen, W. H. J.Exciting molecules, Squeezing photons" (1997)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. van Hulst, N. F.Imaging of the field distribution in integrated optical waveguides (1997)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Balistreri, M. L. M. & van Hulst, N. F.Near-field fluorescence and shear force microscopy for DNA studies (1997)In Nederlandse Vereniging voor Microscopie; Jaarboek 1997 (pp. 87-87). Nederlandse Vereniging voor Microscopie. Garcia Parajo, M. F., Veerman, J. A., van Noort, S. J. T., Ruiter, A. G. T. & van Hulst, N. F.Single molecule rotational and translational diffusion observed by near-field scanning optical microscopy (1997)In Nederlandse Vereniging voor Microscopie; Jaarboek 1997 (pp. 90-90). Nederlandse Vereniging voor Microscopie. van Hulst, N. F., Ruiter, A. G. T., Veerman, J. A. & Garcia Parajo, M. F.Application of silicon oxynitride in telecommunication devices (1997)In LEOS symposium (pp. 153-156). Worhoff, K., Lambeck, P., de Ridder, R. M. & Driessen, A.Imaging of the field distribution in integrated optical waveguides (1997)In 1997 IEEE/LEOS Symposium Benelux Chapter (pp. 17-20). Balistreri, M. L. M., van Hulst, N. F., Borrise, X. & Korterik, J. P.Tuneable WDM add-drop multiplexer using cascaded Mach-Zehnder wavelength filters (1997)In IEEE/LEOS symposium benelux-chapter 1997 (pp. 37-40). de Ridder, R. M., Worhoff, K., Krijnen, G. J. M., Heideman, R., Driessen, A. & Sikken, B. H.Near-field optics: light at the molecular scale (1997)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. van Hulst, N. F.Imaging of the field distributionin integrated optical waveguides (1997)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Balistreri, M. L. M. & van Hulst, N. F.Near-field Scanning Optical Microscopy: a look to the near future (1997)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Kuipers, L., Veerman, J. A. & van Hulst, N. F.Photodynamics of Single Molecules Observed with Near-field Scanning Optical Microscopy (1997)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Veerman, J. A., Ruiter, A. G. T., Garcia Parajo, M. F., Kuipers, L. & van Hulst, N. F.Coherent imaging of guided fields (1997)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Balistreri, M. L. M. & van Hulst, N. F.Near-field fluorescence and shear force microscopy for DNA studies (1997)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Garcia Parajo, M. F., Veerman, J. A., van Noort, S. J. T., Ruiter, A. G. T. & van Hulst, N. F.Near-field fluorescence imaging of genetic material: towards the molecular limit (1997)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Garcia Parajo, M. F.Photodynamics of single molecules observed with near-field scanning optical microscopy (1997)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Veerman, J. A., Ruiter, A. G. T., Garcia Parajo, M. F. & van Hulst, N. F.Photodynamics of Single Molecules Observed with Near-field Scanning Optical Microscopy (1997)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Veerman, J. A., Garcia Parajo, M. F., Ruiter, A. G. T., Kuipers, L. & van Hulst, N. F.Near-field optical microscopy at the molecular scale (1997)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. van Hulst, N. F.Klein, kleiner, kleinst.... (1997)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. van Hulst, N. F.Near-field optical microscopy of single fluorophores and genetic material (1997)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Garcia Parajo, M. F.Near-field fluorescence and shear force microscopy for DNA studies (1997)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Garcia Parajo, M. F., Veerman, J. A., van Noort, S. J. T., Ruiter, A. G. T. & van Hulst, N. F.Near-field optical microscopy of single fluorophores and genetic material (1997)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. van Hulst, N. F., Garcia Parajo, M. F., Veerman, J. A., van Noort, S. J. T. & Ruiter, A. G. T.Characterization of a planar microcoil for implantable microsystems (1997)Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 62(1-3), 599-611. Neagu, C. R., Jansen, H. V., Smith, A., Gardeniers, J. G. E. & Elwenspoek, M. C. applications in chemistry: laser studies of molecules at surfaces (1997)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. van Hulst, N. F.Single molecule rotational and translational diffusion observed by near-field scanning optical microscopy (1997)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. van Hulst, N. F., Ruiter, A. G. T., Veerman, J. A. & Garcia Parajo, M. F.Optimization of LPCVD Silicon Oxynitride growth to large refractive index homogeneity and layer thickness uniformity (1997)In Proceedings Micro-optical Technologies for Measurement, Sensors, and Microsystems II and Optical Fiber Sensor Technologies and Applications (pp. 257-268) (Proceedings of SPIE; Vol. 3099). SPIE. Worhoff, K., Lambeck, P., Noordman, O. F. J., Noordman, O. F. J., van Hulst, N. F. & Popma, T. J. A. optical microscopy: Towards the molecular scale (1997)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Ruiter, A. G. T. imaging of guided fields (1997)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Balistreri, M. L. M. & van Hulst, N. F.Imaging single molecules: the top-down approach (1997)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. van Hulst, N. F.Near-field fluorescence imaging of genetic material: towards the molecular limit (1997)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Garcia Parajo, M. F., Veerman, J. A., Ruiter, A. G. T. & van Hulst, N. F.Photodynamics of Single Molecules Observed with Near-field Scanning Optical Microscopy (1997)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Veerman, J. A., Ruiter, A. G. T., Garcia Parajo, M. F. & van Hulst, N. F.Near-field optical detection of single molecular photodynamics at room temperature (1997)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Veerman, J. A.Near-field optical microscopy: towards genetic applications (1997)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Garcia Parajo, M. F.Near field microscopy (1997)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Garcia Parajo, M. F.Fluorescence, polarisation and adhesion contrast, hydrophobicity, real time observations (1997)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. van Hulst, N. F.Light microscopy at the molecular scale (1997)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. van Hulst, N. F.Near-field optics at the molecular limit (1997)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. van Hulst, N. F.Single molecule dynamics observed with near-field scanning optical microscopy (1997)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Garcia Parajo, M. F., Veerman, J. A., Ruiter, A. G. T. & van Hulst, N. F.Tuning fork shear-force feedback: design and application (1997)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Ruiter, A. G. T., Veerman, J. A., Garcia Parajo, M. F. & van Hulst, N. F..... en er was licht (1997)[Book/Report › Inaugural speech]. University of Twente. van Hulst, N. F.Aftastende microscopen; kijken met andere ogen (1997)Natuur en techniek, 65(9), 66-73. Veerman, J. A. & Willemsen, O. H.Beam-propagation method for second-harmonic generation in waveguides with birefringent materials (1997)Journal of the Optical Society of America. B: Optical physics, 14(7), 1823-1830. Hoekstra, H. J. W. M., Noordman, O., Krijnen, G. J. M., Varshney, R. K. & Henselmans, E. behaviour of tuning fork shear-force feedback (1997)Applied physics letters, 71(1), 28-30. Ruiter, A. G. T., Veerman, J. A., van der Werf, K. & van Hulst, N. F. anomalies in tappingmode atomic force microscopy in air caused by adhesion (1997)Ultramicroscopy, 69(69), 117-127. van Noort, S. J. T., van der Werf, K., de Grooth, B. G., van Hulst, N. F. & Greve, J. Fluorescence Imaging of Genetic Material: Toward the Molecular Limit (1997)Journal of structural biology, 119(2), 222-231. van Hulst, N. F., Garcia Parajo, M. F., Moers, M. H. P., Veerman, J. A. & Ruiter, A. G. T. optical shear-force microscopy of single fluorophores and DNA molecules (1997)Ultramicroscopy, -. Garcia Parajo, M. F., Veerman, J. A., Ruiter, A. G. T. & van Hulst, N. F.Review on Near-field Optics - Theory, Instrumentation and Applications (1997)In Journal of Microscopy (pp. 279-281). The Royal Microscopical Society. van Hulst, N. F. nonlinear optical active calix[4]arene polyimides suitable for frequency doubling in the UV region (1997)Chemistry of materials, 9(2), 596-601. Kenis, P. J. A., Noordman, O. F. J., van Hulst, N. F., Engbersen, J. F. J. & Reinhoudt, D. N. Molecule Rotational and Translational Diffusion Observed by Near-field Scanning Optical Microscopy (1997)Journal of physical chemistry, 1997(101), 7318-7323. Ruiter, A. G. T., Veerman, J. A., Garcia Parajo, M. F. & van Hulst, N. F.


Coherent imaging of guided fields (1996)In Nederlandse Vereniging voor Microscopie Jaarboek 1996 including the proceedings of the Joint Meeting of the BVM and NVvM 1996 (pp. 113-113). Karstens Drukkers. Balistreri, M. L. M. & van Hulst, N. F.Near-field Optics: Light microscopy at Molecular Scale (1996)In Joint Meeting Belgian and Dutch Societies for microscopy (pp. 64-66). van Hulst, N. F.Single molecule dynamics observed with near-field scanning optical microscopy (1996)In Poster: Joint Meeting Belgian and Dutch Societies for microscopy (pp. 164-). Ruiter, A. G. T., Veerman, J. A. & van Hulst, N. F.Squeezing photons, exciting molecules (1996)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. van Hulst, N. F.Application of highly uniform LPCVD SiOxNy in SHG devices (1996)In Proceedings 1996 IEEE/LEOS Symposium - Benelux Chapter (pp. 226-229). University of Twente. Wörhoff, K., Lambeck, P. V., Albers, H., Noordman, O. F. J., van Hulst, N. F. & Popma, T. J. A.Calix[4]arenes as building blocks in second order nonlinear optics (1996)In Proceedings 1996 Symposium of the IEEE/LEOS Benelux Chapter (pp. 308-311). Kenis, P. J. A., Snellink-Ruël, B. H. M., Noordman, O. F. J., van Hulst, N. F., Engbersen, J. F. J. & Reinhoudt, D. N.Coherent imaging of guided fields (1996)In 1996 IEEE/LEOS Symposium Benelux Chapter (pp. 218-221). University of Twente, MESA Research Institute. Balistreri, M. & van Hulst, N.Stress and birefringence in PECVD SiOxNy waveguides (1996)In Proceedings of 1996 IEEE/LEOS Symposium (pp. 222-225). Bearda, T., de Ridder, R. M., Worhoff, K., Lambeck, P. & Albers, H.Single Molecule Dynamics observed with Near-field Scanning Optical Microscopy (1996)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Ruiter, A. G. T., Veerman, J. A. & van Hulst, N. F.The excitement of single molecules (1996)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. van Hulst, N. F.Optical probing of single molecules (1996)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. van Hulst, N. F.Visualisation on sub-micron scale using scanning probe methods (1996)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. van Hulst, N. F.Single Molecule Detection using Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscopy (1996)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Ruiter, A. G. T., Veerman, J. A., Garcia Parajo, M. F. & van Hulst, N. F.Single Molecule Detection using Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscopy (1996)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Veerman, J. A., Ruiter, A. G. T., Garcia Parajo, M. F. & van Hulst, N. F.Polarised Excited State Raman Spectroscopy of Nickel(II)-OctaEthylPorphyrin using nano-Joule picosecond pulses (1996)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Voroshilov, A., Balistreri, M. L. M., Otto, C. & Greve, J.Saturation Raman Spectroscopy of the Excited State of Ni-octaethylporphyrin with nano-Joule picosecond pulses (1996)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Voroshilov, A., Otto, C., Balistreri, M. L. M. & Greve, J.Second Harmonic Generation using Organic Materials (1996)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. Noordman, O. F. J.Applications of Near-field Optical & Atomic Force Microscopy (1996)In Proceedings of Eurosensors X: The 10th European Conference on Solid-State Transducers, september 8-11, 1996 Leuven, Belgium (pp. 71-74). Catholic University Leuven. van Hulst, N. F., Moers, M. H. P., Ruiter, A. G. T. & Veerman, J. A.Biological applications of near field fluorescence microscopy (1996)In 11th European Congress on Microscopy, EUREM 1996: 26th - 30th August 1996. University College Dublin. Moers, M. H. P., Ruiter, T. G. T., Veerman, J. A. & van Hulst, N. F.Single Molecule Detection by Near-field Scanning Optical Microscopy (1996)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Ruiter, A. G. T.Single Molecule Detection with Near-field Optical Microscopy (1996)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Veerman, J. A., Ruiter, A. G. T. & van Hulst, N. F.An electrochemically actuated microvalve (1996)In ACTUATOR 96: conference proceedings: 5th International Conference on New Actuators, 26-28 June, 1996, Bremen, Germany (pp. 41-44). AXON Technology Consult. Neagu, C. R., Gardeniers, J. G. E., Elwenspoek, M. C. & Fluitman, J. H. J.Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging combined with Probe Microscopy (1996)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Veerman, J. A., Moers, M. H. P., Ruiter, A. G. T., Willemsen, O. H., Noordman, O. F. J. & van Hulst, N. F.Single Molecule Detection by Near-field Scanning Optical Microscopy (1996)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Ruiter, A. G. T., Veerman, J. A. & van Hulst, N. F.An electrochemically actuated microvalve (1996)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Neagu, C., Gardeniers, J. G. E., Elwenspoek, M. C. & Kelly, J. J.Silicon oxynitride in integrated optics (1996)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Worhoff, K., Driessen, A., Lambeck, P., Albers, H. & Popma, T. J. A.Saturation Raman Spectroscopy of the Excited State of Ni-octaethyl-Porphyrin with nano-Joule Picosecond Pulses (1996)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Voroshilov, A., Otto, C., Balistreri, M. L. M. & Greve, J.Biological applications of scanning near field optical and atomic force microscopy (1996)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. van Hulst, N. F.Optimized LPCVD SiOxNy waveguides covered with calixarene for non-critically phase matched second harmonic generation (1996)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Worhoff, K.Chemically specific imaging by near field optical and adhesion force microscopy (1996)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. van Hulst, N. F.Near field optics: Applications, perspectives and limitations (1996)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. van Hulst, N. F.Applications of near field optical microscopy (1996)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. van Hulst, N. F.Applications of near field optical microscopy (1996)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. van Hulst, N. F.A waveguide material for integrated optical sensors: silicon oxynitride (1996)In Proceedings 1996 National Sensor Conference (invited paper) (pp. 221-230). Albers, H., Hilderink, L. T. H., Berends, J. H., Berends, J. H., Worhoff, K., van Hulst, N. F. & Lambeck, P.Design, fabrication and characterisation of a planar microcoil inductor for power supply in and data exchange with implantable microsystems (1996)In Proceedings 1996 National Sensor Conference (pp. 35-38). Platform "Sensor Technology. Smith, A., Rusu, C. R., Neagu, C., Gardeniers, J. G. E., Elwenspoek, M. C. & Fluitman, J. H. J.Electrochemical microvalve (1996)In Proceedings 1996 National Sensor Conference (pp. 21-24). Platform "Sensor Technology. Rusu, C. R., Neagu, C., Gardeniers, J. G. E., Elwenspoek, M. C. & Fluitman, J. H. J.Noncritically phase-matched second harmonic generation of blue light in Si[O]N-calix[4]arene slab type waveguides (1996)Optics communications, 124(124), 493-499. Worhoff, K., Noordman, O. F. J., Noordman, O. F. J., Lambeck, P., van Hulst, N. F. & Albers, H. molecular detection and near field optical microscopy (1996)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. van Hulst, N. F.Opportunities of XUV-FEL for nano-optics (1996)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. van Hulst, N. F.An electrochemical microactuator: Principle and first results (1996)Journal of microelectromechanical systems, 5(1), 2-9. Neagu, C. R., Gardeniers, J. G. E., Elwenspoek, M. & Kelly, J. J. of Near-Field optical microscopy (1996)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. van Hulst, N. F.Biological Applications of Near-field Optical Microscopy (1996)IEEE engineering in medicine and biology magazine, 15(1), 51-58. van Hulst, N. F. & Moers, M. H. P. of fluorescence in situ hybridization on human metaphase chromosomes by near-field scanning optical microscopy (1996)Ultramicroscopy, 61(1-4), 279-283. Moers, M. H. P., Ruiter, A. G. T., Jalocha, A. & van Hulst, N. F. in situ hybridization on human metaphase chromosomes detected by near‐field scanning optical microscopy (1996)Journal of microscopy, 182(1), 40-45. Moers, M. H. P., Kalle, W. H. J., Ruiter, A. G. T., Wiegant, J. C. A. G., Raap, A. K., Greve, J., de Grooth, B. G. & van Hulst, N. F. Lifetime Contrast Combined with Probe Microscopy (1996)In Optics at the nanometer scale: imaging and storing with photonic near fields (pp. 223-233) (NATO ASI Series E; Vol. 319). Kluwer Academic Publishers. Willemsen, O. H., Noordman, O. F. J., Segerink, F. B., Ruiter, A. G. T., Moers, M. H. P. & van Hulst, N. F.Imaging with extrinsic Raman labels (1996)Applied spectroscopy, 50(5), 545-551. Sijtsema, N. M., Duindam, J. J., Puppels, G. J., Otto, C. & Greve, J. of near-field optical probes (1996)Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B:Nanotechnology and Microelectronics, 14(2), 597-601. Ruiter, A. G. T., Moers, M. H. P., van Hulst, N. F. & de Boer, M. and macroscopic second order nonlinear optical properties of calix[4]arenes (1996)Polymeric materials science and engineering, 75, 317-318. Kenis, P. J. A., Noordman, O. F. J., Snellink-Ruël, B. H. M., Engbersen, J. F. J., van Hulst, N. F. & Reinhoudt, D. N.Optical fibre temperature sensor in the cryogenic range (1996)Optics & Laser Technology, 28(5), 363-366. Bertrand, S., Jalocha, A., Tribillon, G., Bouazaoui, M. & Rouhet, J. structure of bovine albumin as studied by polarization-sensitive multiplex CARS spectroscopy (1996)Applied spectroscopy, 50(1), 78-85. Voroshilov, A., Otto, C. & Greve, J. of the leakage field of magnetic force microscopy thin-film tips using electron holography (1996)Applied physics letters, 68(13), 1865-1867. Frost, B. G., van Hulst, N. F., Lunedei, E., Matteucci, G. & Rikkers, E. hyper-Rayleigh scattering:measuring first hyperpolarizabilities Beta of fluorescent molecules (1996)Chemical physics letters, 253(253), 145-150. Noordman, O. F. J., Noordman, O. F. J. & van Hulst, N. F. Molecular Resolution (1996)Progress in biophysics & molecular biology, 65(1), 1-. Greve, J., de Grooth, B. G., van Hulst, N. F., Kooyman, R. P. H., Otto, C. & Schins, J. M.


Study of the electronic states of metalloporphyrins (1995)[Book/Report › Report]. University of Twente. Balistreri, M. L. M.Phase matched second harmonic generation in silicon [oxy] nitride-calix [4] arene waveguide (1995)In CLEO pacific (pp. -). Worhoff, K., Noordman, O. F. J., Noordman, O. F. J., van Hulst, N. F., Albers, H. & Lambeck, P.Second Harmonic Microscopy of self-organising calix[4]arene thin films (1995)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Noordman, O. F. J. & van Hulst, N. F.Towards Single Molecule Fluorescence Detection using Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy (1995)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Veerman, J. A., Moers, M. H. P., Ruiter, A. G. T., Willemsen, O. H. & van Hulst, N. F.Biological applications of near-field scanning optical microscopy (1995)In NFO-3: selected papers from the 3rd International Conference on Near-Field Optics and Related Techniques, Brno, Czech Republic, 9-11 May 1995: Topical Meeting European Optical Society (EOS) (pp. 169-170). Moers, M. H. P., Ruiter, A. G. T., Jalocha, A. & van Hulst, N. F.Mapping optical field distributions in integrated waveguide structures using a stand-alone tunneling/atomic force microscope (1995)In NFO-3: selected papers from the 3rd International Conference on Near-Field Optics and Related Techniques: Brno, Czech Republic, 9-11 May 1995, Topical Meeting European Optical Society (EOS) (pp. 181-182). Elsevier. Borgonjen, E. G., Moers, M. H. P., Ruiter, A. G. T. & van Hulst, N. F.Multi-detection and polarization contrast in scanning near field optical microscopy in reflection (1995)[Contribution to conference › Paper] EOS Topical Meeting on Near Field Optics, NFO 1995. Jalocha, A., Moers, M. H. P., Ruiter, A. G. T. & van Hulst, N. F.Phase matched second harmonic generation in silicon[oxy]nitride-calix[4]arene waveguides (1995)In Proc. CLEO '95, Pacific rim (pp. -). Worhoff, K., Noordman, O. F. J., Noordman, O. F. J., van Hulst, N. F., Albers, H. & Lambeck, P.Polarization contrast in photon scanning tunneling microscopy combined with atomic force microscopy (1995)In Proc. NFO3, Topical meeting EOS (pp. 151-152). Propstra, K., Propstra, K. & van Hulst, N. F.Surface second harmonic micro-spectroscopy of highly oriented self-assembling calix[4]arene films (1995)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 7th International Conference on Organized Molecular Films, LB7 1995. van Hulst, N. F., Noordman, O. F. J., van der Heijden, J. J. & Wijers, C. M. J.Development of an integrated NSOM probe (1995)In Proc. NFO3, Topical meeting EOS (pp. 93-94). Ruiter, A. G. T., Moers, M. H. P., Jalocha, A. & van Hulst, N. F.Probing field distributions on waveguide structures with an atomic force/photon scanning tunneling microscope (1995)In Near-Field Optics: SPIE's 1995 International Conference on Optical Science, Engineering, and Instrumentation, 9-14 July 1995 (pp. 125-131) (Proceedings of SPIE; Vol. 2535). SPIE. Borgonjen, E. G., Moers, M. H. P., Ruiter, A. G. T. & van Hulst, N. F. and characterization of NLO-active calix[4]arenes (1995)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Kenis, P. J. A., Ruel, B. H. M., Noordman, O. F. J., van Hulst, N. F., van Wiersum, U., van der Vorst, C. P. J. M., Woudenberg, R., Harms, B., Engbersen, J. F. J. & Reinhoudt, D.Surface second harmonic microspectroscopy of highly oriented self-assembling calix[4]arene films (1995)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. van Hulst, N. F., Noordman, O. F. J., van der Heijden, J. J. & Wijers, C. M. J.Near-Field Optical Microscopy (1995)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. Moers, M. H. P.Molecular and macroscopic NLO-properties of calix[4]arenes (1995)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Kenis, P. J. A., Ruel, B. H. M., Noordman, O. F. J., Harms, B., Woudenberg, R., van Wiersum, U., Engbersen, J. F. J., van Hulst, N. F. & Reinhoudt, D.Near-field optical probe development (1995)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Ruiter, A. G. T., Moers, M. H. P. & van Hulst, N. F.Phase matched second harmonic generation in silicon[oxy]nitride-calix[4]arene waveguides (1995)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Worhoff, K., Noordman, O. F. J., van Hulst, N. F., Albers, H., Lambeck, P. & Popma, T. J. A.Polarization contrast in photon scanning tunneling microscopy combined with atomic force microscopy (1995)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Propstra, K. & van Hulst, N. F.Principals of an electrochemical actuator (1995)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Neagu, C., Gardeniers, J. G. E., Smith, A. & Elwenspoek, M. C.Second harmonic generation of blue light (1995)[Contribution to conference › Poster] MESA Dag 1995. Worhoff, K., Noordman, O. F. J., Noordman, O. F. J., van Hulst, N. F., Albers, H., Lambeck, P. & Popma, T. J. A.Second harmonic generation with organic materials (1995)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Noordman, O. F. J., Worhoff, K. & van Hulst, N. F.Polarization contrast in photon scanning tunneling microscopy combined with atomic force microscopy (1995)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Propstra, K. & van Hulst, N. F.Second harmonic generation in organic Cerenkov-type and modematching devices (1995)In Proceedings 7th European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO) '95 (pp. 89-92). Noordman, O. F. J., Noordman, O. F. J., Worhoff, K. & van Hulst, N. F.Phase matched second harmonic generation in silicon [oxy] nitride-calix [4] arene waveguide (1995)In CLEO pacific (pp. -). Worhoff, K., Noordman, O. F. J., van Hulst, N. F., Albers, H. & Lambeck, P.Fluorescence scanning near field optical microscopy (1995)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Moers, M. H. P., Jalocha, A., Ruiter, A. G. T. & van Hulst, N. F.Polarisation contrast in photon scanning tunnelling microscopy combined with atomic force microscopy (1995)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Propstra, K. & van Hulst, N. F.Probe development for a Scanning Near-field Optical Microscope (1995)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Ruiter, A. G. T., Moers, M. H. P., van Hulst, N. F. & Bölger, B.Probing field distribution of waveguides (1995)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Borgonjen, E. G., Moers, M. H. P., Ruiter, A. G. T. & van Hulst, N. F.Molecular and macroscopic NLO-properties of calix[4]arenes (1995)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Kenis, P. J. A., Ruel, B. H. M., Noordman, O. F. J., Harms, B., Woudenberg, R., van Wiersum, U., Engbersen, J. F. J., van Hulst, N. F. & Reinhoudt, D.Applications of near field optical microscopy: Fluorescence in situ hybridisation, Langmuir-Blodgett films and integrated optical waveguides (1995)In Photons and Local Probes (pp. 165-180) (NATO ASI Series E; Vol. 300). Kluwer Academic Publishers. van Hulst, N., Moers, M. & Borgonjen, E. applications of near-field scanning optical microscopy (1995)In Near-Field Optics: SPIE's 1995 International Conference on Optical Science, Engineering, and Instrumentation, 9-14 July 1995 (pp. 94-99) (Proceedings of SPIE; Vol. 2535). SPIE. Moers, M. H. P., Ruiter, A. G. T., Jalocha, A., van Hulst, N. F., Kalle, W. H. J., Wiegant, J. C. A. G. & Raap, A. K.Čerenkov-type second-harmonic generation in thin planar calix[4]arene waveguiding films (1995)Journal of the Optical Society of America. B: Optical physics, 12(12), 2398-2405. Noordman, O. F. J., van Hulst, N. F. & Bölger, B. and application of organic polymers for optical second harmonic generation (1995)In The development of Organic and Polymeric Materials for Nonlinear Optics (pp. 35-36). van Hulst, N. F.Characterization of NLO properties (1995)In The development of Organic and Polymeric Materials for Nonlinear Optics (pp. 24-34). van Hulst, N. F.Development of an integrated NSOM probe (1995)Ultramicroscopy, 61(1-4), 139-143. Ruiter, A. G. T., Moers, M. H. P., Jalocha, A. & van Hulst, N. F. and fluorescent samples imaged by scanning near-field optical microscopy in reflection (1995)Optics communications, 119(1-2), 17-22. Jalocha, A. & van Hulst, N. F. in situ hybridization on human metaphase chromosomes detected by near-field microscopy (1995)Zoological studies. Supplement, 34(Suppl. I), 21-22. Moers, M. H. P., Ruiter, A. G. T. & van Hulst, N. F.Fluorescence scanning near-field optical microscopy in reflection (1995)In Near-Field Optics: SPIE's 1995 International Conference on Optical Science, Engineering, and Instrumentation, 9-14 July 1995 (pp. 38-45) (Proceedings of SPIE; Vol. 2535). SPIE. Jalocha, A., Moers, M. H. P. & van Hulst, N. F. and polarisation contrast in scannning near-field optical microscopy in reflection (1995)Ultramicroscopy, 61(1-4), 221-226. Jalocha, A., Moers, M. H. P., Ruiter, A. G. T. & van Hulst, N. F. and polarization contrast in scanning near field optical microscopy in reflection (1995)Ultramicroscopy(61), -. Jalocha, A., Moers, M. H. P., Ruiter, A. G. T. & van Hulst, N. F.Near field plasmon and force microscopy (1995)Ultramicroscopy, 57(2-3), 263-269. de Hollander, R. B. G., van Hulst, N. F. & Kooyman, R. P. H. fluorescence and adhesion force microscopy of Langmuir-Blodgett films (1995)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 7th International Conference on Organized Molecular Films, LB7 1995. van Hulst, N. F., Jalocha, A., Moers, M. H. P. & van der Werf, K.Optical contrast in near-field techniques (1995)Ultramicroscopy, 57(2-3), 298-302. Moers, M. H. P., van Hulst, N. F., Ruiter, A. G. T. & Bölger, B. contrast in photon scanning tunnelling microscopy combined with atomic force microscopy (1995)Journal of microscopy, 1995, 165-173. Propstra, K. & van Hulst, N. F.Polarization contrast in fluorescence scanning near-field optical microscopy in reflection (1995)Journal of the Optical Society of America. B: Optical physics, 12(9), 1577-1580. Jalocha, A. & van Hulst, N. F. contrast in photon scanning tunnelling microscopy combined with atomic force microscopy (1995)Journal of microscopy, 180(pt. 2), 165-173. Propstra, K., Propstra, K. & van Hulst, N. F.Waveguide CARS: a method to determine the third-order polarizability of thin layers applied to a SiOxNy waveguide (1995)Applied spectroscopy, 49(9), 1326-1330. Kanger, J. S., Otto, C. & Greve, J.