UTFacultiesTNWNewsHealth Check employees (year of birth 1974 up to 1964)

Health Check employees (year of birth 1974 up to 1964)

As part of the Gezond en Sterk op het Werk project, the UT is this year offering the Health Check to staff whose year of birth is 1964 through 1974.

The Health Check will be carried out in the Sports Centre by UT FIT in partnership with Topvorm Twente (sports) physiotherapy practice. 

Attendees received a personal invitation on 12 December. You can register via the website until the end of Wednesday 4 January 2017 (until the maximum number of participants is reached).

If you have any questions about the Health Check, please contact Wilma Meijerink and Ingrid Bosscha of the Gezond en Sterk op het Werk team. They can be reached via gezondensterk@utwente.nl.