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H.Microfluidic devices with integrated membrane functionality (2006)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Netherlands Process Technology Symposium, NPS 2011. de Jong, J. & Lammertink, R. G. H.Microfluidic Filtration (2006)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Netherlands Process Technology Symposium, NPS 2011. Ngene, I. S. & Lammertink, R. G. H.Nanomembranes against global warming (2006)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Netherlands Process Technology Symposium, NPS 2011. Reijerkerk, S. & Nijmeijer, D. C.New membrane material for gas dehydration (2006)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Netherlands Process Technology Symposium, NPS 2011. Potreck, J. & Stamatialis, D.Online detection of microorganisms in drinking water (2006)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Netherlands Process Technology Symposium, NPS 2011. Ondrackova, P., Euverink, G. J. W. & Lammertink, R. G. 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C.Analysis of Cell-Stabilizing Additives in Low-Density Polyethylene Foams Using Low-Frequency Dielectric Spectroscopy (2003)Macromolecules, 36(18), 6817-6823. Barsema, J. N., Bostoen, C. L., Jansen, R. H. S., Mulder, M. H. V., Nauta, W. J., Steeman, P. A. M. & Wessling, M.https://doi.org/10.1021/ma025947vCharacterization of morphology controlled polyethersulfone hollow fiber membranes by the addition of polyethylene glycol to the dope and bore liquid solution (2003)Journal of membrane science, 223(1-2), 187-199. Koops, G. H., Liu, Y. & Strathmann, H.https://doi.org/10.1016/S0376-7388(03)00322-3Characterization of polyethersulfone-polyimide hollow fiber membranes by atomic force microscopy and contact angle goniometery (2003)Journal of membrane science, 226(1-2), 63-73. Khulbe, K. C., Feng, C., Matsuura, T., Kapantaidakis, G., Wessling, M. & Koops, G. 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Membrane adsorbers: development and applications (2002)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Avramescu, M. E.Stabilization strategies for gas-liquid membrane contactors for paraffin/olefin separation (2002)[Contribution to conference › Paper] Netherlands Process Technology Symposium, NPS 2002. Nijmeijer, D. C., Folkers, A., Visser, T. & Wessling, M.Computer simulations of phase separation in quenched polymer solutions (2002)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. de Geeter, B. A.Nanoporous Polymer Membranes by s-CO2-Expansion (2002)[Contribution to conference › Paper] Fachgruppentagung Makromolekulare Chemie 2002. Droescher, M., Wessling, M., Krause, B. & van der Vegt, N. F. A.A molecular dynamics simulation study of solvation thermodynamical quantities of gases in polymeric solvents (2002)Journal of membrane science, 205(1-2), 125-139. van der Vegt, N. F. 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H., Kiyono, R., Kiyono, R. & Wessling, M.Improving gas separation properties of polymeric membranes based on glassy polymers by gas phase fluorination (2002)Desalination, 163(1-3), 273-279. Syrtsova, D. A., Syrtsova, D. A., Kharitonov, A. P., Teplyakov, V. V. & Koops, G. H.https://doi.org/10.1016/S0011-9164(04)90200-7Membrane adsorbers for protein separation (2002)In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Preparative and Industrial Chromatography and Allied Techniques (SPICA 2002) (pp. 7-7). Avramescu, M. E., Borneman, Z. & Wessling, M.Membrane and use thereof (2002)[Patent › Patent] (In preparation). Krause, B., Wessling, M., Gohl, H. & Markus, S.Membranes for direct methanol fuel cells applications (2002)[Contribution to conference › Paper]. Manea, G. C., Akse, H. A., Stegehuis-de Vegte, M. G. & Mulder, M. H. 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Gironès i Nogué, M. & Wessling, M.Modified ethylene vinylalcohol copolymer membranes suitable for affinity separation (2002)[Contribution to conference › Paper] International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes, ICOM 2002. Avramescu, M. E., Sager, W. F. C., Mulder, M. H. V. & Wessling, M.Monte Carlo Simulation of Partially Confined Flexible Polymers (2002)Macromolecules, 35(13), 5267-5272. Hermsen, G. F., de Geeter, B. A., van der Vegt, N. F. A. & Wessling, M.https://doi.org/10.1021/ma020176gMonte carlo simulation of partially confined flexible polymers (2002)In NYM (pp. 36-37). Hermsen, G. F. & Wessling, M.Monte carlo simulations of macromolecule conformations At the bulk/membrane interface (2002)In NAMS (Bioseparations II: Membranes and Devices -1) (pp. 89-89). Hermsen, G. F., van der Vegt, N. F. A. & Wessling, M.Monte carlo simulations of partially confined flexible polymers (2002)[Contribution to conference › Paper]. Hermsen, G. F., Akse, H. A., Stegehuis-de Vegte, M. G., Wessling, M. & van der Vegt, N. F. A.Monte Carlo simulations of polymer conformations at the bulk/membrane interface (2002)Desalination, 145(1-3), 393-395. Hermsen, G. F., de Geeter, B. A., van der Vegt, N. F. A. & Wessling, M.https://doi.org/10.1016/S0011-9164(02)00443-5Nanofiltration membranes for non-aqueous applications (2002)[Contribution to conference › Paper] International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes, ICOM 2002. Stafie, N., Stamatialis, D. & Wessling, M.Nanofiltration membranes for non-aqueous applications (2002)[Contribution to conference › Paper]. Stafie, N., Akse, H. A., Stegehuis-de Vegte, M. G., Wessling, M. & Stamatialis, D.Nanofiltration membranes for non-aqueous applications (2002)In NYM (pp. 46-47). Stafie, N. & Wessling, M.Native protein recovery from potato fruit juice by ultrafiltration (2002)Desalination, 144(1-3), 331-334. Zwijnenberg, H. J., Kemperman, A. J. B., Boerrigter, M. E., Lotz, M., Dijksterhuis, J. F., Koops, G. H. & Poulsen, P. 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E. & Wessling, M.Phase separation micro moulding (2002)[Contribution to conference › Paper] OSPT Graduate School on Process Technology 2002. Vogelaar, L., Akse, H. A., Wessling, M. & Stegehuis-de Vegte, M. G.Porous monofilaments by continuous solid-state foaming (2002)Industrial & engineering chemistry research, 41(5), 1195-1204. Krause, B., Kloth, M., van der Vegt, N. F. A. & Wessling, M.https://doi.org/10.1021/ie010655oPreparation and characterization of gas separation hollow fiber membranes based on polyethersulfone-polyimide miscible blends (2002)Desalination, 144(1-3), 353-357. Kapantaidakis, G., Koops, G. H. & Wessling, M.https://doi.org/10.1016/S0011-9164(02)00435-6Preparation and characterization of micro- and ultrafiltration membranes (2002)In Encyclopedia of desalination and water recourses (pp. -). Koops, G. H.Preparation of asymmetric polyimide ultrafiltration hollow fiber membranes for non-acqueous systems (2002)[Book/Report › Report]. Membrane Science and Technology (MST). Ge Jie, J., Ge Jie, J., Koops, G. H. & Wessling, M.Preparation of composite hollow fiber membranes: co-extrusion of hydrophilic coatings onto porous hydrophobic support structures (2002)Journal of membrane science, 207, 143-156. He, T., Mulder, M. H. V., Strathmann, H. & Wessling, M.https://doi.org/10.1016/S0376-7388(02)00118-7Preparation of ethylene vinylalcohol copolymer membranes suitable for ligand coupling in affinity separation (2002)Journal of membrane science, 210, 155-173. Avramescu, M. E., Sager, W. F. C., Mulder, M. H. V. & Wessling, M.https://doi.org/10.1016/S0376-7388(02)00409-XQuenching of concentrated polymer-diluent systems (2002)[Contribution to conference › Paper] International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes, ICOM 2002. van der Heijden, P. C., Mulder, M. H. V. & Wessling, M.Selective protein recovery by membrane adsorption technology (2002)In Proceedings of the international congress on process industry (AIChE 2002) (pp. 32-32). Avramescu, M. E., Wessling, M. & Sager, W. F. C.Semi-continuous protein fractionating using affinity cross-flow filtration (2002)Desalination, 144(1-3), 295-299. Borneman, Z., Zhang, W., van den Boomgaard, T. & Smolders, C. A.https://doi.org/10.1016/S0011-9164(02)00331-4Solvation thermodynamics of gases in liquid solvents and dense polymer membranes: a molecular dynamics simulation study (2002)[Contribution to conference › Paper]. van der Vegt, N. F. A.Stabilization of gas/liquid membrane contactors for paraffin/olefin separation (2002)[Contribution to conference › Paper] International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes, ICOM 2002. Nijmeijer, D. C., Visser, T., Folkers, A. & Wessling, M.Stabilization of membrane contactors for gas separation (2002)[Contribution to conference › Paper]. Nijmeijer, D. C., Akse, H. A., Stegehuis-de Vegte, M. G. & Wessling, M.Stabilization strategies for gas/liquid membrane contactors in paraffin/olefin separation (2002)[Contribution to conference › Paper] International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes, ICOM 2002. Nijmeijer, D. C., Folkers, A. & Wessling, M.Synthesis and development of a new generation gas separation membranes (2002)In NYM (pp. 50-51). Visser, T.Synthesis of novel nanostructured mixed matrix membranes (2002)Desalination, 148(1-3), 401-405. Figoli, A., Sager, W. F. C. & Wessling, M.https://doi.org/10.1016/S0011-9164(02)00755-5Tailoring the properties of asymmetric cellulose acetate membranes by gas plasma etching (2002)Journal of colloid and interface science, 245, 338-348. Olde riekerink, M. B., Engbers, G. H. 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Metz, S. J., Potreck, J., Mulder, M. H. V. & Wessling, M.
Polymer nanofoams (2001)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. Ipskamp Printing. Krause, B.https://doi.org/10.3990/1.9789036516471Synthesis of nanostructured mixed matrix membranes for facilitated gas separation (2001)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Figoli, A.Interdisciplinary research in membrane science and technology (2001)[Contribution to conference › Paper] Recents Progres en Genie des Procedes. Wessling, M., Grevillot, G., Boudrant, J. & Tondeur, D.A DSC-study on the demixing of binary polymer solutions (2001)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. Ipskamp Printing. van der Heijden, P. C.Process development for nanoporous polymer fibers (2001)[Contribution to conference › Paper] Symposium Nederlandse Procestechnologen, NPT 2001. Krause, B., van der Vegt, N. F. A. & Wessling, M.Stabilization of membrane contactors for gas separation (2001)[Contribution to conference › Paper] Symposium Nederlandse Procestechnologen, NPT 2001. Nijmeijer, D. C. & Wessling, M.Composite hollow fiber membranes for ion separation and removal (2001)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. He, T.Electrocatalytic membrane processes (2001)[Contribution to conference › Paper] XVII Annual Summer School on the EMS on "Catalytic Membrane Reactors". Wessling, M.Physics ofdouble-barrier Josephson junctions (2001)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Conference on Physics and Applications of Superconducting Quantum Interference (SQUID 2001). Brinkman, A., Golubov, A. A., Rogalla, H., Wilhelm, F. G. & Kupriyanov, M. Y.Interfacial polymerization: a versatile technique for preparing composite membranes with tailor-made properties (2001)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 222nd ACS National Meeting 2001. Kemperman, A. J. B., Koops, G. H. & Wessling, M.Molecular dissolution processes in rubbery and glassy polymeric solvents: a molecular dynamics simulation study (2001)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 222nd ACS National Meeting 2001. van der Vegt, N. F. A.New way to produce porous polymeric membranes by carbon dioxide foaming (2001)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 222nd ACS National Meeting 2001. Krause, B., van der Vegt, N. F. A. & Wessling, M.Physics of double-barrier Josephson junctions (2001)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 5th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity, EUCAS 2001. Brinkman, A., Golubov, A. A., Rogalla, H., Wilhelm, F. G. & Kupriyanov, M. Y.Functionalised ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer (eval) membranes for protein affinity separation (2001)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 41th Microsymposium on Polymer Membranes 2001. Avramescu, M. E., Sager, W. F. C. & Wessling, M.Polymerised bicontinuous microemulsion (PBM) membranes: preparation, characterization and application (2001)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 41th Microsymposium on Polymer Membranes 2001. Figoli, A., Sager, W. F. C. & Wessling, M.Water production by capillary nanofiltration membranes (2001)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 3rd nanofiltration and applications workshop. Wessling, M.Membrane and the use thereof (2001)[Patent › Patent] (In preparation). Krause, B., Moehlenkamp, C., Sijbesma, H. P., Strathmann, H. & Wessling, M.Limiting current densities in electromembrane processes (2001)[Contribution to conference › Paper] Electrically Driven Membrane Processes. Wessling, M.Stabilization strategies for gas/liquid membrane contactors in paraffin/olefin separation (2001)[Contribution to conference › Paper] Engineering with Membranes 2001<br/>. Nijmeijer, D. C., Luqye, S., Mulder, M. H. V., Alvarez, J. R. & Wessling, M.Technology development for membrane gas separation in harsh petrochemical applications (2001)[Contribution to conference › Paper] Engineering with Membranes. Koops, G. H., Luque, S., Krol, J. J., Alvarez, J. R., Wessling, M., Avgidou, M. S., Korili, S. A., Kaldis, S. P. & Sakellaropoulos, G. P.Assymetric bipolar membranes in acid-base electrodialysis (2001)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 12th Annual Meeting of the North American Membrane Society, NAMS 2001. Bhattacharyya, D., Wilhelm, F. G., Butterfield, D. A., van der Vegt, N. F. A., Carlson, L., Strathmann, H. & Wessling, M.Functionalised ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer membranes for protein affinity separation (2001)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 12th Annual Meeting of the North American Membrane Society, NAMS 2001. Dibakar Bhattacharyya, D., Avramescu, M. E., Butterfield, D. A., Sager, W. F. C., Carlson, L. & Wessling, M.Preparation of composite hollow fiber membrane by co-extrusion (2001)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 12th Annual Meeting of the North American Membrane Society, NAMS 2001. Bhattacharyya, D., He, T., Mulder, M. H. V., Butterfield, D. A., Carlson, L. & Wessling, M.Revisiting thermodynamics, demixing kinetics and morphology development of a polymer-diluent system using modulated differential scanning calorimetry (2001)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 12th Annual Meeting of the North American Membrane Society, NAMS 2001. van der Heijden, P. C., Bhattacharyya, D., Butterfield, D. A., Mulder, M. H. V., Wessling, M. & Carlson, L.Stabilization methods for hollow fiber membranes used in heavy extraction (2001)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 12th Annual Meeting of the North American Membrane Society, NAMS 2001. Bhattacharyya, D., He, T., Mulder, M. H. V., Butterfield, D. A., Carlson, L. & Wessling, M.Report: electro-membrane processes and bipolar membrane technology (2001)Membrane technology, 2001(130), 12. Franken, T.https://doi.org/10.1016/S0958-2118(01)80129-4Bipolar Membrane Electrodialysis - Membrane Development and Transport Characteristics (2001)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. Twente University Press (TUP). Wilhelm, F. G.Accelerated plasticization of thin-film composite membranes used in gas separation (2001)Separation and purification technology, 24(1-2), 223-233. Wessling, M., Lidon Lopez, M. & Strathmann, H.https://doi.org/10.1016/S1383-5866(01)00127-7Bicontinuous nanoporous polymers by carbon dioxide foaming (2001)Macromolecules, 34(25), 8792-8801. Krause, B., Münüklü, P., van der Vegt, N. F. A., Wessling, M. & Sijbesma, H. P.https://doi.org/10.1021/ma010854jCarbon Molecular Sieves for Gas Separation (2001)[Contribution to conference › Paper]. Barsema, J. N., Akse, H. A., Wessling, M., Stegehuis-de Vegte, M. G. & van der Vegt, N. F. A.Characterisation of polymerised bicontinuous microemulsion membranes (2001)[Contribution to conference › Paper]. Akse, H. A., Figoli, A., Wessling, M., Stegehuis-de Vegte, M. G. & Sager, W. F. C.Chronopotentiometry for the advanced current-voltage characterisation of bipolar membranes (2001)Journal of electroanalytical chemistry, 502(1-2), 152-166. Wilhelm, F. G., van der Vegt, N. F. A., Wessling, M. & Strathmann, H.https://doi.org/10.1016/S0022-0728(01)00348-5Composite hollow fiber membrane for heavy metal removal (2001)[Contribution to conference › Paper] PhD-projects in miniposter form 2001: OSPT Process Technology. Akse, H. A., He, T., Stegehuis-de Vegte, M. G., Wessling, M. & Mulder, M. H. V.Dehydration of natural gas with membrane technology (2001)[Contribution to conference › Paper]. Metz, S. J., Akse, H. A., Stegehuis-de Vegte, M. G., Wessling, M. & Mulder, M. H. V.Desalting a process cooling water using nanofiltration (2001)Separation and purification technology, 22(23), 159-168. Radier, R. G. J., van Oers, C. W., Steenbergen, A. & Wessling, M.https://doi.org/10.1016/S1383-5866(00)00161-1EPDM as a selective membrane material in pervaporation (2001)Journal of membrane science, 188(2), 235-249. Meuleman, E. E. B., Willemsen, J. H. A., Mulder, M. H. V. & Strathmann, H.https://doi.org/10.1016/S0376-7388(01)00382-9Euromembrane 2000 highlights membrane physical characterisation and preparation techniques (2001)Membrane technology, 133, 8. Sivertsen, E., Yaroshchuk, A., Ovcharenko, F. D., Sutzkover, I., Hasson, D., Semiat, R., Paul, D. & Krause, B.https://doi.org/10.1016/S0958-2118(01)80190-7Facilitated oxygen transport in liquid membranes: review and new concepts (2001)Journal of membrane science, 181(1), 97-110. Figoli, A., Sager, W. F. C. & Mulder, M. H. 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G. & Wessling, M.Novel open-cellular polysulfone morphologies produced with trace concentrations of solvens as pore opener (2001)Journal of membrane science, 187(1-2), 181-192. Krause, B., Boerrigter, M. E., van der Vegt, N. F. A., Strathmann, H. & Wessling, M.https://doi.org/10.1016/S0376-7388(01)00329-5Novel thin film polymer foaming technique for low and ultra low-k dielectrics (2001)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 7th IEEE International Conference on Solid Dielectrics, ICSD. Krause, B., Koops, G. H., van der Vegt, N. F. A., Wessling, M., Wubbenhorst, M. & van Turnhout, J.https://doi.org/10.1109/ICSD.2001.955585Olefin/Paraffin Separation by Membranes (2001)[Contribution to conference › Paper]. Koops, G. H., Akse, H. A., Krol, J. J., Stegehuis-de Vegte, M. G. & Boerrigter, M. E.Optimisation strategies for the preparation of bipolar membranes with reduced salt ion leakage in acid-base electrodialysis (2001)Journal of membrane science, 182, 13-28. Wilhelm, F. G., Punt, I. G. 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M., Wessling, M. & Strathmann, H.Molecular dynamics simulations of polymer melts, the effect of structure generation on gas solubilities (1996)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. van der Vegt, N. F. A., Briels, W. J., Wessling, M. & Strathmann, H.Elastomeric crosslinked polyethers for biomedical applications (1996)In Abstract book polymers in medicine and surgery (PIMS) (pp. 187-194). Pol, B. J. M., van Wachem, P. B., van Luijn, M. J. A., van der Does, L. & Bantjes, A.Gas separation membranes from tailor-made polymers (1996)In Gas separation membranes from tailor-made polymers (pp. 409-419). Hensema, E. R. & Boom, J. P.Experimental validation of the Maxwell-Stefan theory for the description of liquid-side mass transfer in a binary mixture-ammonia absorption in water using a stirred cell. (1996)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 14th International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering, ISCRE, 1996. Frank, M. J. W., Kuipers, J. A. M. & van Swaaij, W. P. M.Free energy calculations of small molecules in dense amorphous polymers (1996)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. van der Vegt, N. F. A. & Briels, W. J.Free energy calculations of small molecules in dense amorphous polumers. Effect of the initial guess configuration in molecular dynamics studies (1996)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. van der Vegt, N. F. A. & Briels, W. J.Current-voltage curve of a bipolar membrane at high current density (1996)Desalination, 1996(104), 13-18. Aritomi, T., van den Boomgaard, A. & Strathmann, H.https://doi.org/10.1016/0011-9164(96)00021-5Diffusion induced phase separation with crystallizable nylons: I. Mass transfer processes for nylon 4,6 (1996)Journal of membrane science, 121(1), 37-50. Bulte, A. M. W., Mulder, M. H. V., Smolders, C. A. & Strathmann, H.https://doi.org/10.1016/0376-7388(96)00163-9Diffusion induced phase separation with crystallizable nylons: II. 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B.https://doi.org/10.1002/(SICI)1097-4636(199611)32:3<321::AID-JBM4>3.0.CO;2-UJournal of Membrane Science - special issue - Selected papers presented at the Second International Symposium Progress in Membrane Science and Technology (1996)[Book/Report › Book]. Elsevier. van den Boomgaard, A.Non-aqueous retention measurement: Ultrafiltration behaviour of polystyrene solutions and colloidal silver particles (1996)Journal of membrane science, 1996(113), 259-273. Beerlage, M. A. M., Heijnen, M. L., Mulder, M. H. V., Smolders, C. A. & Strathmann, H.https://doi.org/10.1016/0376-7388(95)00125-5Physical gelation of amorphous polymers in a mixture of solvent and nonsolvent (1996)Macromolecules, 29(6), 2035-2059. Li, S.-G., van den Boomgaard, T., Smolders, C. A. & Strathmann, H.https://doi.org/10.1021/ma9508966Polyoxadiazoles and polytriazoles (1996)In Polymeric Materials - Encyclopedia - Vol. 8-P (pp. 6641-6453). CRC Press (Taylor & Francis). Mulder, M. H. V. & Hensema, E. 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Stabilization of supported liquid membranes (1995)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Kemperman, A. J. B.https://doi.org/10.3990/1.9789090085074Membrane characterization methods. an overview. (1995)In Second Workshop ESF Network "Catalytic Membrane Reactors": preparation and characterization of catalytic membranes (pp. 10-15). Koops, G. H., Peeters, J. M. M. & Strathmann, H.Proceedings second workshop ESF network "Catalytic membranes reactors" (1995)In Second Workshop ESF Network "Catalytic membrane reactors": Preparation and characterization of catalytic membranes (pp. 1-66). Strathmann, H. & Franken, A. C. M.Atomistic modelling of mass transport through solutions-diffusion membranes (1995)In Proceedings of Euromembrane '95: University of Bath, september 1995 (pp. 133-139). University of Bath. Wessling, M. & Strathmann, H.Determination of non-fouling regions during ultra- and microfiltration (1995)In Euromembrane '95 (pp. 437-442). Cornelissen, E., Boom, R. M., Warmoeskerken, M., van den Boomgaard, A. & Strathmann, H.Improved proces performance of crosslinked polyimide gas separation membranes (1995)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Bos, A., Punt, I. G. M., Wessling, M. & Strathmann, H.Improved process performance of crosslinked polyimide gas separation membranes (1995)In Proceedings of Euromembrane '95: University of Bath, september 1995 (pp. 327-330). University of Bath. Bos, A., Punt, I. G. M., Wessling, M. & Strathmann, H.Interfacially polymerized layers for the stabilization of supported liquid membranes (1995)In Euromembrane '95 (pp. 250-255). Kemperman, A. J. B., van den Boomgaard, A. & Strathmann, H.Relation between membrane charge and rejection characteristics of nanofiltration membranes (1995)In Euromembrane '95 (pp. 107-112). Peeters, J. M. M., Mulder, M. H. V., Keizer, K. & Strathmann, H.Supported liquid membranes with improved stability for removal of copper ions from industrial effluents (1995)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Wijers, M. C., van den Boomgaard, A., Wessling, M. & Strathmann, H.Supported liquid membranes with improved stability for removal of copper ions from industrial effluents (1995)In Euromembrane '95 (pp. 546-551). Wijers, M. C., van den Boomgaard, A. & Strathmann, H.The preparation of composite membranes with a glassy top layer (1995)In Proceedings of Euromembrane '95: University of Bath, September 1995 (pp. 237-244). European Society for Membrane Science and Technology. Ebert, K., Bezjak, A., Nijmeijer, K., Mulder, M. H. V. & Strathmann, H.The preparation of composite membranes with a glassy toplayer (1995)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Euromembrane 1995. Ebert, K., Bezjak, A., Nijmeijer, K., Mulder, M. H. V. & Strathmann, H.Thin film composite membranes of glassy polymers for gas separation: preparation and characterization (1995)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Ebert, K.https://doi.org/10.3990/1.9789090083414Determination of non-flux-decline regions during ultra- and microfiltration (1995)In OSPT Process Technology: PhD-project in miniposter form 1995 (pp. 260-260). Cornelissen, E. & van den Boomgaard, A.Pervaporatie removal of trace organics from water with a transverse membrane module (1995)In OSPT-Proces Technology - PhD-project in miniposter form (pp. 294-294). Meuleman, E. E. B., Mulder, M. H. V. & Strathmann, H.Water splitting with bipolar and monopolar ion exchange membranes (1995)In OSPT Proces Technology: PhD-project in mini-poster form 1995 (pp. 261-261). Krol, J. J. & Wessling, M.Electrodialytic membrane separation processes in the food industry (1995)In asean-eu workshop on membrane technology in agro-based industry (pp. 68-77). Strathmann, H.The influence of low molecular additives on gas transport properties in polyethylene films and foams (1995)In 3rd int. conf. on cellular polymers III (pp. -3). Nauta, W. J., Bouma, R. H. B., Arnauts, J. E. F. & Steuten, J. M.Elastomeric crosslinked polyethers for biomedical applications (1995)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Pol, B. J. M.Dimensional stability of extruded foams predicted from polymer permeabilities (1995)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Bouma, R. H. B., Nauta, W. J., Arnauts, J. E. F., van den Boomgaard, A., Steuten, J. M. & Strathmann, H.Membrane formation by immersion precipitation: modelling polymer solution properties (1995)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Kools, W. F. C., van den Boomgaard, A. & Strathmann, H.Molecular dynamics simulations of gas diffusion in polydimethylsiloxane (1995)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. van der Vegt, N. F. A., Wessling, M., Briels, W. J. & Strathmann, H.Rejection characteristics of nanofiltration membranes (1995)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Peeters, J. M. M., Mulder, M. H. V. & Strathmann, H.Removal of propanol from water by pervaporation in a transverse flow module with composite membranes (1995)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Meuleman, E. E. B., Plug, C. P., Mulder, M. H. V. & Strathmann, H.The state of water in solution-diffusion membranes (1995)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Thesing, J. & Strathmann, H.Water splitting with monopolar membranes (1995)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Krol, J. J., Molenaar, F., Wessling, M. & Strathmann, H.Relaxation phenomena in dense glassy polymer membranes (1995)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Bouma, R. H. B.https://doi.org/10.3990/1.9789090078465Rejection characteristics of nanofilration membranes (1995)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Peeters, J. M. M., Mulder, M. H. V., Keizer, K., Strathmann, H. & Verweij, H.Annual report: Facilitated transport membranes with improved stability for removal of heavy metals from industrial waste water (1995)[Book/Report › Report]. University of Twente. van den Boomgaard, A.Characterization of hemodialysis membranes by inverse size exclusion chromatography (1995)Journal of membrane science, 99(3), 217-228. Broek, A. P., Teunis, H. A., Bargeman, D., Sprengers, E. D., Strathmann, H. & Smolders, C. A.https://doi.org/10.1016/0376-7388(94)00239-UChemical treatment of membranes of a polymer blend: mechanism of the reaction of hypochlorite with poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) (1995)Journal of polymer science. Part A: Polymer chemistry, 1995(33), 49-54. Wienk, I. M., Meuleman, E. E. B., Borneman, Z., van den Boomgaard, A. & Smolders, C. A.https://doi.org/10.1002/pola.1995.080330105Development of highly selective polyimide membranes for the separation of CO2/CH4 mixtures (1995)[Book/Report › Report]. University of Twente. Bos, A.Dilation kinetics of glassy, aromatic polyimides induced by carbon dioxide sorption (1995)Journal of polymer science. Part B: Polymer physics, 1995(33), 1371-1384. Wessling, M., Huisman, I., van den Boomgaard, A., Smolders, C. A. & Smolders, C. A.https://doi.org/10.1002/polb.1995.090330907Electrodialysis and related processes (1995)In membrane separations technology. principles and applications (pp. 213-281). Elsevier. Strathmann, H.Evaluatie van het Preventie Uitvoeringsprogramma van de Provincie Gelderland (1995)[Book/Report › Report]. Grontmij Advies & Techniek bv. Pullen, H., de vries, E. J., Wessling, M., Strathmann, H. & Mulder, M. H. V.Modelling of simultaneous mass and heat transfer with chemical reaction using the Maxwell-Stefan theory: I. Model development and isothermal study (1995)Chemical engineering science, 50(10), 1645-1659. Frank, M. J. W., Kuipers, J. A. M., Versteeg, G. F. & van Swaaij, W. P. M.https://doi.org/10.1016/0009-2509(95)00012-TModelling of simultaneous mass and heat transfer with chemical reaction using the Maxwell-Stefan theory: II. Non-isothermal study (1995)Chemical engineering science, 50(10), 1661-1671. Frank, M. J. W., Kuipers, J. A. M., Krishna, R. & van Swaaij, W. P. M.https://doi.org/10.1016/0009-2509(95)00011-SNomenclature and symbols in membrane science and technology (1995)[Book/Report › Book]. European Society of Membrane Science and Technology (ESMST). Koops, G. H.Second annual report project: Application of membrane processes in the food industry to improve process efficiency and reduce waste streams (1995)[Book/Report › Report]. University of Twente. Trapp, W.Separation of mtbe-methanol mixtures by pervaporation (1995)Separation Science and Technology (Philadelphia), 30(3), 419-433. Park, H. C., Ramaker, N. E., Mulder, M. H. V. & Smolders, C. A.https://doi.org/10.1080/01496399508013880Six monthly report: facilitated transport membranes with improved stability for removal of heavy metals from industrial waste water (1995)[Book/Report › Report]. University of Twente. van den Boomgaard, A.Spinning of hollow fiber ultrafiltration membranes from a polymer blend (1995)Journal of membrane science, 106(3), 233-243. Wienk, I. M., Olde Scholtenhuis, F. H. A., van den Boomgaard, T. & Smolders, C. A.https://doi.org/10.1016/0376-7388(95)00088-TTime-dependent permeation of carbon dioxide through a polyimide membrane above the plasticization pressure (1995)Journal of applied polymer science, 1995(58), 1959-1966. Wessling, M., Huisman, I., van den Boomgaard, A., Smolders, C. A. & Smolders, C. A.https://doi.org/10.1002/app.1995.070581105
Rejection characteristics of nanofiltration membranes (1994)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Poster. Peeters, J. M. M., Mulder, M. H. V., Keizer, K., Strathmann, H. & Verweij, H.Transport through zeolite filled polymeric membranes (1994)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Boom, J. P.https://doi.org/10.3990/1.9789090077499Facilitated transport membranes with improved stability for removal of heavy metals from industrial waste water (1994)[Book/Report › Report]. University of Twente. van den Boomgaard, A.A method for measuring the stress in thin films upon drying (1994)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 7th International Symposium on Synthetic Membranes in Science and Industry 1994. Ebert, K., Nolten-Oude Hendrikman, J. A. M., Mulder, M. H. V. & Strathmann, H.Current-voltage curve of a bipolar membrane at high current density (1994)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 7th International Symposium on Synthetic Membranes in Science and Industry 1994. Aritomi, T., van den Boomgaard, A. & Strathmann, H.Dimensional stability of extended foams predicted from polymer permeabilities (1994)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 7th International Symposium on Synthetic Membranes in Science and Industry 1994. Bouma, R. H. B., van den Boomgaard, A., Strathmann, H., Nauta, W. J., Arnauts, J. E. F. & Steuten, J. M.Effect of NaCl concentration on the current-voltage curve of a bipolar membrane (1994)In Effect of NaCl concentration on the current-voltage curve of a bipolar membrane (pp. -). Krol, J. J., van den Boomgaard, A. & Strathmann, H.Effect of NaCl concentration on the current-voltage curve of a bipolar membrane (1994)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 7th International Symposium on Synthetic Membranes in Science and Industry 1994. Krol, J. J., van den Boomgaard, A. & Strathmann, H.Fundamentals of Thin Film Composite Membranes (1994)In Fundamentals of Thin Film Composite Membranes (pp. -). Ebert, K., Nolten-Oude Hendrikman, J. A. M., Mulder, M. H. V. & Strathmann, H.Membrane formation by immersion precipitation: Mass transfer and morphology (1994)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 7th International Symposium on Synthetic Membranes in Science and Industry 1994. Kools, W. F. C., van den Boomgaard, A. & Strathmann, H.Membrane formation by immersion precipitation: mass transfer and morphology (1994)In Membrane formation by immersion precipitation: mass transfer and morphology (pp. -). Kools, W. F. C., van den Boomgaard, A. & Strathmann, H.Rejection characteristics of nanofiltration membranes (1994)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 7th International Symposium on Synthetic Membranes in Science and Industry 1994. Peeters, J. M. M., Mulder, M. H. V., Strathmann, H., Keizer, K. & Verweij, H.Removal of propanol from water by pervaporation in a transverse flow module with composite membranes (1994)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 7th International Symposium on Synthetic Membranes in Science and Industry 1994. Meuleman, E. E. B., Plug, C. P., Mulder, M. H. V. & Strathmann, H.Supported liquid membranes with improved stability for the removal of heavy metals out of industrial waste water (1994)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 7th International Symposium on Synthetic Membranes in Science and Industry 1994. Wijers, M. C. & Strathmann, H.Surface modification of polysulfone membranes (1994)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 7th International Symposium on Synthetic Membranes in Science and Industry 1994. Cornelissen, E., Sander, R. J., van den Boomgaard, A. & Strathmann, H.Surface modification of polysulfone membranes (1994)In Surface modification of polysulfone membranes (pp. -). Cornelissen, E., Sander, R. J., van den Boomgaard, A. & Strathmann, H.Dimensional stability of extruded forms predicted form polymer permeabilities (1994)In Dimensional stability of extruded forms predicted from polymer permeabilities (pp. 225-227). Bouma, R. H. B., Nauta, W. J., Arnauts, J. E. F., van den Boomgaard, A., Steuten, J. M. & Strathmann, H.Pervaporation with dense, glassy membranes (1994)In Pervaporation with dense, glassy membranes (pp. 24-27). Bouma, R. H. B., Borneman, Z., van den Boomgaard, A., Smolders, C. A. & Strathmann, H.Rejection characteristics of nanofiltration membranes (1994)In Rejection characteristics of nanofiltration membranes (pp. -). Peeters, J. M. M., Mulder, M., Strathmann, H., Keizer, K. & Verweij, H.Removal of propanol from water by pervaporation in a transverse flow module with composite membranes (1994)In Removal of propanol from water by pervaporation in a transverse flow module with composite membranes (pp. -). Meuleman, E. E. B., Plug, C. P., Mulder, M. H. V. & Strathmann, H.Supported liquid membranes with improved stability for the removal of heavy metals out of industrial waste water (1994)In Supported liquid membranes with improved stability for the removal of heavy metals out of industrial waste water (pp. -). Wijers, M. C. & Strathmann, H.Transport phenomena in zeolite filled membranes for gas separation and pervaporation (1994)In preprints of 7th international symposium on synthetic membranes in science and industry (pp. 270-273). Boom, J. P., Bargeman, D., Smolders, C. A. & Strathmann, H.Extraction of Copper from Dilute Solutions Using ACORGA P50 Oxime in Hollow Fibre and Flat Sheet Supported Liquid Membranes (1994)In Impurity control and disposal in hydrometallurgical processes (pp. 137-152). Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum. Wijers, M. C., Bargeman, D., van den Boomgaard, T. & Leese, T. A.Electrodialytic separation processes (1994)In Workshop on Chromatography, Electrokinetics and Separations in Porous Media (pp. -). Strathmann, H.Zeolite filled membranes for gas separation and pervaporation (1994)In zeolites and related microporous materials: state-of-art 1994 (pp. 1067-1074). Boom, J. P., Bargeman, D. & Strathmann, H.Surface modification of polysulfone membranes (1994)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 2nd International Symposium on Progress in Membrane Science and Technology 1994. Cornelissen, E., Sander, R. J., van den Boomgaard, A. & Strathmann, H.Desorption of water out of PAN monitored by FT-i.r.-spectroscopy (1994)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 2nd International Symposium on Progress in Membrane Science and Technology 1994. Thesing, J. & Strathmann, H.Membrane potential of a bipolar membrane (1994)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 2nd International Symposium on Progress in Membrane Science and Technology 1994. Aritomi, T., van den Boomgaard, A. & Strathmann, H.Permeation behaviour of CO2 through glassy polymers at elevated pressures (1994)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 2nd International Symposium on Progress in Membrane Science and Technology 1994. Bos, A., Punt, I. G. M., Mulder, M. H. V. & Strathmann, H.Rejection characteristics of nanofiltration membranes (1994)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 2nd International Symposium on Progress in Membrane Science and Technology 1994. Peeters, J. M. M., Mulder, M. H. V., Strathmann, H., Keizer, K. & Verweij, H.Removal of propanol from water by pervaporation in a transverse flow module with composite membranes (1994)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 2nd International Symposium on Progress in Membrane Science and Technology 1994. Meuleman, E. E. B., Plug, C. P., Mulder, M. H. V. & Strathmann, H.Supported liquid membranes with improved stability for the removal of heavy metals out of industrial waste water (1994)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 2nd International Symposium on Progress in Membrane Science and Technology 1994. Wijers, M. C. & Strathmann, H.Surface modification of polysulfone membranes (1994)In Surface modification of polysulfone membranes (pp. 93-94). Cornelissen, E., Sander, R. J., van den Boomgaard, A. & Strathmann, H.Water splitting in bipolar membranes (1994)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 2nd International Symposium on Progress in Membrane Science and Technology 1994. Krol, J. 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A study on a bipolar membrane structures (1993)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Posterdag Programma Commissie Membraantechnologie (PCM) 1993. Aritomi, T., van den Boomgaard, T. & Strathmann, H.Dielectric properties of drying polymer membranes (1993)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Posterdag Programma Commissie Membraantechnologie (PCM) 1993. Bouma, R. H. B., van der Veldt, M. K., van den Boomgaard, T., Smolders, C. A. & Strathmann, H.Membranes from semi-crystalline aliphatic polyamides (1993)[Contribution to conference › Poster] NGM-dag 1993. Bulte, A. M. W., Folkers, A., Germic, L., Krol, J. J., Mulder, M. H. V., Smolders, C. A. & Strathmann, H.Plasticization phenomena in glassy polymers by CO2 (1993)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Posterdag Programma Commissie Membraantechnologie (PCM) 1993. Bos, A., Mulder, M. H. V. & Strathmann, H.Removal of trace organics from water by means of pervaporation with a transverse flow membrane module (1993)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Posterdag Programma Commissie Membraantechnologie (PCM) 1993. Meuleman, E. E. B., Mulder, M. H. V. & Strathmann, H.Spinning of hollow fiber ultrafiltration membranes from a polymer blend (1993)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Posterdag Programma Commissie Membraantechnologie (PCM) 1993. Wienk, I. M., Olde Scholtenhuis, F. H. A., Teunis, H. A., van den Boomgaard, T. & Smolders, C. A.Stabilization of supported liquid membranes (1993)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Posterdag Programma Commissie Membraantechnologie (PCM) 1993. Wijers, M. C., Bargeman, D. & Strathmann, H.Thin filmformation of glassy polymers (1993)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Posterdag Programma Commissie Membraantechnologie (PCM) 1993. Ebert, K., Nolten-Oude Hendrikman, J. A. M., Mulder, M. H. V. & Strathmann, H.Ultrafiltration of an organic paint waste stream (1993)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Posterdag Programma Commissie Membraantechnologie (PCM) 1993. Beerlage, M. A. M., Rolevink, H. H. M., Mulder, M. H. V., Smolders, C. A. & Strathmann, H.Zeolite filled membranes for the pervaporation of methanol/toluene mixtures (1993)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Posterdag Programma Commissie Membraantechnologie (PCM) 1993. Boom, J. P., Punt, I. G. M., Bargeman, D., Strathmann, H., Smolders, C. A. & de Boer, R.Facilitated transport membranes with improved stability for removal of heavy metals from industrial waste water (1993)In Proceedings Workshop on Chemical Engineering (pp. -). Bargeman, D., Guizard, C., Lockhart, J. C. & Teixidor, F.The influence of crystallization on the morphology of phase inversion membranes; the system nylon 4,6, formic acid an