We look back on a very successful and inspiring Twente membranes Day 2023.
Amongst the highlights of the day was the presentation of an anniversary book, honoring 50 years of membrane research in Twente, to UT Professor Emeritus Heiner Strathmann. Strathmann is one of the founding fathers of membrane research in Twente, together with Cees Smolders, Ton Burggraaf, Henk Verweij, and Matthias Wessling. These founding fathers built a strong foundation for the prominent long-lasting worldwide reputation that the UT has in the field of membrane science and technology.
Currently, a new generation of principal investigators is building further on this foundation, foreseeing important roles for membrane technology in addressing many challenges that must be solved, including the energy transition, the water transition, the development of membrane processes for a circular economy, the development of “green membranes”, and membrane processes for viable industrial solutions.
Opening Waterlab
Another highlight of the day was the opening of our Waterlab by Matthias Wessling. This new facility provides additional opportunities to investigate and test new membrane processes on pilot scale, with realistic (waste) water streams. The day concluded with a poster session accompanied by drinks, providing ample opportunities for networking and (re)connecting with both new and familiar colleagues in the field.