Antonio Pifferi is Full Professor of Physics at Politecnico di Milano, Italy, and Director of the "Center for Ultrafast Science and Biomedical Optics" (CUSBO), belonging to the Network of EU Laser Infrastructures “LaserLab Europe”.
Member of the IEC Committee SC 62D “Medical devices” as national expert on tissue oximeter standardization. Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the European Institute for Biomedical Imaging Research, Wien, Austria, and reviewer for different National and International grants and prizes. He is co-founder of the start-up PIONIRS S.r.l., developing time-domain tissue oximeters.
His research activity is focused on the study of photon propagation through diffusive media (diffuse optics) using time-resolved techniques. Diffuse Optics has been explored vertically – from basic research up to exploitation of new application directions – and horizontally – covering diverse applications, including optical mammography, functional brain imaging, food analysis, wood optics.