UTFacultiesTNWEventsRobotics Day 2024

Robotics Day 2024 Fresh Perspectives on Robotics


Dive into the world of science, technology, society, and business at the University of Twente's Robotics Day on April 9! Explore the newest developments in robotics and get a firsthand look at the endless possibilities in this exciting field. Get ready to be inspired, energised, and make meaningful connections!


The Future of Surgical Robotics with contributions from:

  • Prof. Ivo Broeders, Meander Medisch Centrum, "Introduction to surgical robotics".
  • Dr. Can Ozan Tan, from the Robotics and Mechatronics (RAM) group, "From autonomy to intelligence: the future of AI in surgery and medicine".
  • Dr. ir. Momen Abayazid, from the Robotics and Mechatronics (RAM) group, "Image- and AI-guided Robotics for Medical Application".
  • Dr. Franco Piñan Basulado, from the Department of Biomedical Engineering (BE), "Magnetic microrobots: versatile miniature untethered tools".
  • Ir. Juan Huaroto, from the Department of Biomedical Engineering (BE), "Two-photon microscopy/endomicroscopy for microrobotics".

The Future of Assisted Work with contributions from:

  • Ir. Alex Overbeek, from the faculty of Engineering Technology (ET)
  • Dr. Suzanne Janssen, from the faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS)
  • Freek Tönis, CEO at Hankamp Rehab / Hankamp Gears

The Future of Robotics Technology with contributions from:

  • Prof. dr. ir. Eldert van Henten, from the Wageningen University:
Fresh Perspectives on Agricultural Robotics

Dr. Eldert van Henten is a professor of Biosystems Engineering at the Agricultural Biosystems Engineering group of Wageningen University. Covering applications in the whole agri-food chain, his technical research interests include sensing, modelling, and optimal control of bio-systems in the precision farming context as well as agricultural robotics. 

  • Dr. Son Tong, from Siemens Digital Industries Software, on autonomous vehicle technology:
Development and Validation of Autonomous Driving Technologies

Autonomous driving development is challenging due to multi-modal sensors, hardware, and advanced algorithms (perception, planning, and control). A major obstacle is the diversity of the traffic environment, particularly in edge scenarios. The strict safety requirements and human-like comfort desire are also pushing the design and testing, validation technologies. This talk presents some technologies dealing with those challenges, focusing on three pillars: Real2Sim - from real data to simulation models, Sim2Real - a scenario-based testing process from simulation to hardware and physical vehicle testing based on an XiL engineering development cycle, and safety-comfort driving algorithms (MPC, data-driven learning control). Some vehicle demonstrations will be shown. 

  • Dr. Nanda van der Stap, from Milrem Robotics, on medical robotics:
Productizing medical robotic technology in a sustainable manner

Proving that a technological solution helps to solve a medical problem only brings you so far. To actually solve the medical problem, providing access to your solution is a must. Users need to be able to use your system. Giving it to them for free of course would be an option, but given the hoops you need to jump through to actually develop your technology into a working product, you probably are looking for some way of reimbursing your cost. Therefore, the usual approach is to sell this product. This is, however, not the end of the road for you. This talk is aimed at providing an introductory insight into the steps that come after you have the technology and will focus on answering the question: how to productize your medical (robotic) technology – in a sustainable manner?

The Future of Robotics Interaction with contributions from:

  • Dr. ir. Edwin Dertien, from the Robotics and Mechatronics (RAM) group
  • Dr. ir. Gwenn Englebienne, from the Human Media Interaction (HMI) group 
  • Dr. ir. Kim Baraka, from the VU Amsterdam:
Robots that learn on the job with the help of humans

For robots to be able to truly integrate human-populated, dynamic, and unpredictable environments, they will have to have strong adaptive capabilities. In this talk, I argue that these adaptive capabilities should leverage interaction with end users, who know how (they want) a robot to act in that environment. I will present an overview of my work on the topic of Human-Interactive Robot Learning, a growing interdisciplinary subfield that embraces rich, bidirectional interaction to shape robot learning. 







Fresh Perspectives on:

  • The Future of Surgical Robotics (WA1)
  • The Future of Assisted Work (Carré 2N)
  • Labtour Groups 1 and 2 




Fresh Perspectives on:

  • The Future of Interaction (WA1)
  • The Future of Robotics Technology (Carré 2N)
  • Labtour Groups 3 and 4

14.00 - 15.30 

Poster session - Trends in Human-Robot Interaction Research (Foyer)


Closing - Key take-aways and follow-up


Networking drinks & snacks

Will you join us during the Robotics Day 2024?
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