UTFacultiesTNWEventsLunch lecture: Case Studies in Neurorehabilitation using Functional Electrical Stimulation

Lunch lecture: Case Studies in Neurorehabilitation using Functional Electrical Stimulation

For more than 200 years we have known that electricity applied to the body can cause muscle contraction and more. Over the last 50 years our understanding of muscle physiology has improved, and with it so has the technology to make FES one of the most powerful and flexible tools for rehabilitation.

Despite it's safety and efficacy, FES is still under-utilized in routine clinical practice. Modern systems permit sophisticated control of the timing and manner of how FES can be delivered so that "Functional" Electrical Stimulation becomes truly effective in ways not dreamed of in the past.

Sinead Power of the Rollwithus foundation will extend your vision of what is possible with FES through presentation and discussion of case studies, demonstrations and presentation of the theoretic background.

So if you want to know more about FES, join us! Entrance is free.

The lecture will be given in English. For more information, please contact S.V. Paradoks or Kostas Nizamis.