
Multimodal windows on spontaneous brain activity in epilepsy research


Functional MRI is well suited for localization of cortical functions and for connectivity analysis of the brain during rest. MEG and EEG provide powerful means to characterize cortical activity in terms of dynamic patterns of activity, such as transient time courses and functional connectivity. An overview will be presented of some key findings on resting-state activity in healthy and epileptic brains with special emphasis on the complementarity of these modalities. Results will be discussed for patients who were candidate for epilepsy surgery and who underwent pre-surgical invasive recordings, i.e. either subdural grid or depth electrode EEG recordings. Network analysis is applied to evaluate whether EEG-fMRI correlation patterns indeed consist of interacting highly correlated brain regions which reflect the onset (‘hub’) and the propagation of the epileptic discharges. For comparison, modelling of the network underlying the invasively recorded epileptic events using the same analysis framework reveals the brain regions involved and their interactions.

Wednesday 22 March 2017, 16:30 - 17:30 h

Building Carré - room CR 3.022