Dr. Aayan Banerjee is participating in the SUNSOLr project, a ~3 Mio€ project funded by TKI-Energie and co-ordinated by the Institute for Sustainable Process Technology as part of their Long Term Program Process Technology. The project brings together 5 universities (TU Delft, TU Eindhoven, U Groningen, U Utrecht and U Twente) and 4 industrial partners (Demcon Suster, Nobian, RWE and Sasol) to employ a cross-technology and cross-sectoral approach to the challenge of electrifying chemical conversions. As part of this project, he will be leading a work package on novel routes for sustainable CO2 conversion to methanol and olefins using proton-conducting ceramic electrolysers.
He is also participating in the DELYCIOUS (Diagnostic tools for Electrolysers: Cost-efficient, Innovative, Open, Universal and Safe) project, a 4 Mio€ Research and Innovation Action project funded by Horizon Europe under the EU Clean H2 Partnership. The project, co-ordinated by Fraunhofer IWES and Air Liquide with project partners Horiba, Dumarey, ETA Florence, Stargate Hydrogen, Sivonic and U Twente, will develop the hardware and software for an interoperable electrolyser management system (EMS) validated for three electrolysis technologies at lab-scale (Alkaline, PEM and Solid Oxide) followed by integration with a 460 kW Alkaline electrolyser to validate the developed EMS at TRL6. As part of this project, he will be leading the work package on lab-scale validation and together with Air Liquide co-develop the algorithms that will form the core of the EMS technology.