UTFacultiesTNWDept NEMResearchCCPNewsRavindra Shinde receives the 4TU FAIR data 2024 grant

Ravindra Shinde receives the 4TU FAIR data 2024 grant

Congratulations, Dr. Ravindra!

FAIR Data Fund allows researchers to apply for financial aid to cover the costs of making their datasets FAIR: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable. This year, Dr. Ravindra Shinde received the FAIR Data Fund 2024.

In this project, he will develop a Python-based command-line tool to generate metadata and a self-sufficient summary of a calculation from computational materials science codes, converting them into searchable markdown files. The tool will also offer an option to host these files as a website that serves as a local search engine and a visualization and insights tool. The generated summary will be sufficient to reproduce the results in the calculation.

Link to the announcement of awards: https://community.data.4tu.nl/2025/01/13/winners-of-the-4th-edition-of-the-fair-data-fund/