Company: Alliander N.V.
Student: Tijmen van Diepen (Master Mechanical Engineering)
University mentor: Richard Ruitenberg, M.Sc., Dr. Jan Braaksma
Alliander N.V. is the largest grid operator for power and gas in the Netherlands. They develop, maintain and operate their grid with respect to high service availability and safety while actively participating in the current energy transition to smart grids, sustainable development, and environmental impact reduction.
The graduation assignment is conducted at the department Asset Management, Policy & Standardisation. The department is responsible for the setting up the policy of how to maintain and govern all the assets concerning gas, power, and telecom. At the moment a Ph. D. research by Richard Ruitenburg is executed at this department. The research aims to implement life cycle management into the electricity grid, more information on this link. A part of this research is regarding lifetime impacts. These are events that may have a positive or negative impacts on the remaining useful lifetime of the assets.
Assignment description
Lifetime impacts are generated using the TECKO method. Using this method the asset is analysed from five different perspectives: Technical, Economical, Compliance, Commercial, and Organizational. Having used the method for an Asset Lifecycle Plan, Liander discovered that a large number of impacts were defined. And that they do not have the resources to mitigate them al. Therefore the assignment aims to develop a method that can select the most important lifetime impacts. So Liander knows where to focus on, and so Liander has an unambiguous view of the remaining useful lifetime of the asset.
Research activities
- Researching the principle of lifetime impacts from the perspective of science and Liander
- Researching how lifetime impacts are currently prioritized and categorized in other science disciplines
- Researching how lifetime impacts are currently prioritized and categorized by Liander
- Developing a model for science and Liander that can select the most important lifetime impact