For the University of Twente’s general admission criteria, please click the link ‘General admission criteria University of Twente’ below.
Admission international students
As the energy problem has an international scope and only can be solved in an international context, the programme is developed for an international audience. Therefore, applicants with a bachelor's degree from reputed foreign universities are invited to submit their credentials to the admission office of the TU/e, UT or TUD. The office will check the level of education, the ability to follow the programme in the English language and other formal requirements. The admission office evaluates the formal aspects, while the admission committee of the Master programme will decide on admission.
Admission Dutch students
Graduates of the BSc programmes of Mechanical Engineering, Applied Physics, Advanced Technology, Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering of TU/e, TUD and UT, can join the programme without additional requirements. Graduates of other technical or natural science BSc programmes of Dutch universities are admissible after successful completion of a pre-Master programme, which is decided by the admission committee based on the contents of the BSc programme followed by the student. Often this pre-Master programme can be recognized as a minor within the bachelor programme.
Bachelor students from polytechnics/Applied Science (HBO) in areas relevant to this Master programme are admitted after successfully completing a standard pre-Master programme which can be followed at one of the UT departments involved in this programme.
Check the admission links below to see whether your bachelor degree is sufficient, or whether you need to follow a pre-Master programme. HBO-bachelors, when admissible always follow a pre-Master programme, university bachelors only if essential knowledge is lacking.