The European Convention for Engineering Deans, Directors and Department Heads (ECED) – University Leadership Dialogue (ULD) is the annual networking event organized by the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI). This convention brings together higher engineering education leaders to discuss issues related to higher engineering education, for example innovation and governance; network and share experiences in a professional peer environment; and incentivize professionalism in higher engineering education in the light of the changing strategic and operational roles of engineering deans, directors and department heads. This convention provides a platform to continue our university leadership dialogue.
May 24-26, 2023: Leadership for digitalization in Higher Engineering Education
University of Twente Campus – the Netherlands
Digital education has been a fast-growing trend even before the pandemic, and has gained more traction since. A large majority of higher education institutions have substantially changed by adapting to emergency remote education. Now that societies and educational institutions are adapting to ‘a new normal’, digital education is here to stay. At the same time, engineering itself is subject to the digital transformation. Apart from the need to respond to and anticipate further the digital transformation in and of societies in general, universities see opportunities related to e.g., scaling-up, flexibilization, personalization, New Campus Role and data-informed innovation. At the same time, (cyber) security threats, a lack of sense of community among students and teachers, and access need to be addressed for all target groups to fully benefit.
In the 2023 European Convention for Engineering Deans we will go into leadership focused on empowering Higher Engineering students to take full charge of their own learning in a digitally transforming world. We are looking forward to meeting you on our beautiful campus to discuss these exciting topics with you!
The general objective of the Conventions is to bring together Deans* from all over Europe to meet and to discuss in depth common topics, share experiences, identify solutions for problems and build up a network with peers in different European countries (see
*The target group are engineering education deans and vice-deans; and others with a managerial/administrative/policy role focused on education.