Studying at another university in the Netherlands

Studying at another university in the Netherlands

If you are interested in a specific discipline which is not among the minor possibilities as offered by the University of Twente, you can put forward a proposal for an exchange minor at a university-level institution elsewhere in the Netherlands which includes courses in that specific discipline. Based on your registration as a student at the University of Twente, you are allowed to take courses at other university-level institutions in the Netherlands. If you are considering this option, be sure to get all the information you need from the other university about the options for participating in these courses, their timetable, and how and when to apply for admission. Below you can find the different options there are available when studying at another university in the Netherlands.

  • Pre-master’s courses for transferring to a Master’s programme

    If you are interested in taking a master’s programme - in Psychology, or a subject other than Psychology - at a university elsewhere in the country, it is useful to find out what preparatory (pre-master’s) courses you may need to take before you can enter that master’s programme. If you wish, you could then take the courses in question as B3 electives. Ask the contact person of the relevant university and educational programme for details of the options and requirements.

  • Other courses

    Even if you do not wish to prepare for a master’s programme elsewhere in the Netherlands, you may want to use your elective space to take courses offered by other university-level institutions, simply because they interest you. These courses can be offered as part of an existing course package (such as a minor), but you also have the option of putting together a cohesive course package (or two packages) yourself.

Rules for studying at another university in the Netherlands

When selecting courses at another university you need to take into account the following rules:

  1. Courses in the field of Psychology must be at second-year level (B2), at least.
  2. Courses in Psychology may have little or no overlap with subjects taught in your own Psychology bachelor’s modules at the University of Twente.
  3. If you opt for a wider focus (subjects from a field of study other than Psychology), then you are permitted to take first-year courses (B1) up to a maximum of 10 EC. Any other courses designed to broaden your knowledge should be at second-year level (B2) at least.
  4. To ensure that there is sufficient cohesion, the total course package of 30 EC must consist of no more than two sub-packages. Each of these sub-packages must also have its own internal cohesion, but they do not need to be the same size (in EC).

Procedure for studying at another university in the Netherlands

Admission and Approval

Before you can take courses at another Dutch university, you must first be sure that you are eligible for admission to those courses at that university. You can check their website and application procedure or ask the contact person of the relevant educational programme.

Next, you need approval from your Psychology Programme Board. To obtain such approval, you must first complete the BMS Elective Space/Minor Course Approval Form before 1 May. You should only do so if you are fairly sure that you will actually be taking these electives. Should any changes occur after you have handed in the form, please fill in the entire form again, indicating that this is a change to a previously submitted course approval form.

Be sure to fill in the form accurately, including the second part (reasons for applying), and – in the event of a potential overlap with your educational programme – the third part as well.

Send the completed form to your study advisers of the Psychology bachelor’s programme (

On behalf of the Programme Board, they see to it that your course package is formally assessed, based on the following criteria: 

  1. Your reasons (motivation) for choosing the university and course package in question
  2.  The level of the selected courses (see ‘Rules’ above)
  3.  The cohesion between the subjects of the courses
  4.  Their distinctiveness (no overlap!), in relation to the PSY study programme.


Once approval has been granted and you meet the prerequisites, BOZ will register your minor in Osiris. You will receive an official course approval letter once your course selection is final. If you do not meet the prerequisites, BOZ will inform you (around August) that you will not be allowed to take the minor until such time as these requirements are met. 

Transcript of Records

After successful completion, apply to the university where you took the courses in question for a certified Transcript of Records, and submit this to BOZ. BOZ will see to it that details of the courses in question are registered in the B3 elective space in Osiris.