Conducting Delphi Studies on future PSM-competencies in the era of Industry 4.0 and the use of Gamification in Higher Education
This report addresses the third intellectual output (IO3) of the PERSIST Erasmus+ project. Previous IOs included a systematic literature review on Industry 4.0 skills and competencies within purchasing and supply management (PSM) and multiple explorative World Café studies addressing future roles and skills within PSM in the era of Industry 4.0. In IO3 the results of the Word Cafés and expert interviews of the IO2, which were carried out based on the results from IO1, will be deepened with the methodology of the Delphi study. Based on the Delphi study, future roles and skills within purchasing will be developed. Thus, the results of the IO3 are scientifically derived assumptions and future trends on how PSM will change in the future in the era of Industry 4.0.
To prepare the Delphi study, the results of the IO2 are carefully evaluated and aggregated into questions or statements, which are applied and discussed in the Delphi Studies. Within the Delphi study context, these statements are called projections. The output of the IO3 is a future-oriented view of the emerging roles and required skills for professionals in PSM. Here the Delphi study allows a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the roles and projects by the Delphi experts. Qualitative assessments are performed on the basis of text comments which are evaluated by the researchers. For the quantitative assessment, all participants were asked to rate the projections within the Delphi survey according to the expected probability of occurrence, the impact on the industry, the desirability of occurrence, and the level of adoption within the industry in a time frame from now, 5 years, 15 years, and 25 years.
The Delphi study results suggest six future roles and nine future skills within purchasing in the era of Industry 4.0. These future skills need to be educated within future study programs which will be addressed within IO4 of the PERSIST Erasmus+ project. Within IO4, the Delphi study results will be used to produce gamification elements and playful interaction concepts to educate future purchasing professionals. Higher education can use these gamified elements to train the Industry 4.0 skills within study programs and allow students to prepare for future professional tasks. Within the last intellectual output of this project, IO5, the gamified learning elements developed in IO4 are realised and validated within a module-based course.