Double degree

Double degree: Business Information Systems & Data Science

For 2024-2025 no Double degree

For 2024-2025 the double degree will not accept new applicants due curriculum changes in Muenster. After the continuation and alignment of the double degree will be reevaluated. Current double degree students will be able to finsish their programmes.

Students can opt for the two year master programme offered by the University of Twente (The Netherlands) and the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (Germany). This programme leads to two diplomas.

Important information: the academic years in Germany and the Netherlands are not fully aligned

The German academic year starts later (in October) and has a semester structure. At the UT we work mainly in quarters and start in September. This makes the transition after Q3 challenging. We try our best to plan the exams of mandatory courses as early as possible, but still there are some overlapping weeks, where some courses in Muenster might already start and you still have to finish a project or write a Q3 exam here at the UT (especially for 2023-2024 where Q4 is shortned and Q3 now counts 11 weeks instead of the previous 10).

Entry in Twente

Students starting in Twente, will cover almost all core courses and additionally specialize with Analytics, data science and business courses. At the end of the third quarter they will start at Muenster for their summer semester. The last week of Q3 and the first week in Muenster could be overlapping depending on your choice of elective and (project) seminar, so travel back and forth to finish up your last exams could be required. More information on the curriculum and courses in Munester can be found in the module description

Semester 1: Twente

First Quarter: 15EC

Second Quarter: 15EC

Semester 2: Twente and Muenster

Third Quarter: Twente 10EC

Fourth Quarter: Muenster 26EC

Semester 3: Muenster

Third Semester: Muenster 24EC

Semester 4: Muenster or Twente (graduation)

You will work on your graduation assignment, which culminates in the writing of your Master’s thesis. During this process, you will have the support of a Dutch and a German lecturer. Just like in Twente, you have to pick one from a more business background, and one from a computer science background. For students starting in Twente, the UT is the main university and the Twente rules apply. The lecturer from this university will also be the first supervisor. Make sure to finish before the end of August to avoid any additional fees in Twente.

Entry In Muenster

Entry in Muenster is only possible for students that have been initially admitted to the Information Systems MSc programme at WWU. 

Semester 1: Muenster 24EC

semester 2: Muenster 24EC

semester 3: Twente

First Quarter: 15EC

Second Quarter: 15EC

Semester 4:

Third Quarter: Twente 12EC

Fourth Quarter: Muenster or Twente (Graduation)
You will work on your graduation assignment, which culminates in the writing of your Master’s thesis. During this process, you will have the support of a Dutch and a German lecturer. Just like in Twente, you have to pick one from a more business background, and one from a computer science background. Because you started in Germany, WWU will be your main university for graduation. The rules and regulations from that university will apply and it will be your base during the graduation phase. The lecturer from this university will also be the first supervisor. Make sure to finish before the end of August to avoid additional fees in Twente.

How to Apply

We accept applications from all Bachelor students who are eligible for direct admission to the Master BIT without homologation. All students that are directly admitted to the Business Information Technology programme will be invited to apply for a spot on the Double Degree programme in July. Third year UT BIT Bachelor students will be invited to apply through Canvas. Selection requirements: Average grade of 7.0 or higher (or equivalent) and motivation to join the programme. Furthermore there should not be any deficiencies, students should have sufficient computer programming skills and knowledge of business management and computer science. Note these selection criteria might change. Admission to the Double degree is an addition to the general BIT programme. Students have no guarantee on being selected.