Graduation Bachelor

The Bachelor’s final degree audit is considered to be complete when the student has passed all study unit exams in the Bachelor’s programme. You can be enrolled in your Master’s programme every first day of the month following the date of the last passed study unit exam. Of course, there will be an opportunity to celebrate your Bachelor’s graduation! 

-         7 November 2024  (deadline 10 October)

You will be invited by email to join this ceremony. A few students will be asked to give a presentation about their bachelor final assignment during this ceremony.

If you have any question about this procedure you can contact the student advisors Tineke Hoeksma or Annemieke van der Meer.

Note: According to article 4.2. of the student charter; A student may submit a written request to the Examination Board to postpone the final degree audit, and thus to delay the awarding of the degree certificate. The student should indicate the duration of the postponement in his request.