Check your performance

Do you do what you have to do as an Examination Board? Would you like to find out? Below are some instruments you may use to determine to what extent you pay (sufficient) attention to the various tasks that are part of your role and position. You can also use the more elaborate checklist as a basis for consultation for instance with your programme management. Is it clear what needs to be done and by whom? Are the activities for the assurance of the quality of assessments, as carried out by the programme management, and the safeguarding activities as intended or carried out by the EB aligned? What is already happening and what still needs to be done? The checklist can be supportive to address all the important issues.

Illustration: De kwaliteitspiramide van eigentijds toetsen en beoordelen. Sluijsmans, van Schilt-Mol, Peeters & Joosten-ten Brinke, 2015
