Employment Sector Committee EST
Each university programme must have an Employment Sector Committee. The purpose is to secure a direct connection and continuous tuning of the content of the study programme, with the future employment sector of its students. Next to the programme staff, the EST Employment Sector Committee (ESC) consists of a variety of members that are active in the employment sector of educational science.
Members of the employment sector committee (not necessarily alumni of the EST programme, although several are) have diverse backgrounds working in the wide range of possible jobs in the area of educational sciences. They are inspiring, engaging professionals, who aim to connect both worlds: the professional context and academic education. The members in the committee advise the EST programme management, and their professional opinion is (if applicable) embedded in the EST programme or in adjacent extra-curricular activities.
The committee meets annually at the University of Twente campus. In addition, members may contribute in another ways, for example via guest lectures for students or staff.
More information on the current committee members can be obtained via their LinkedIn profiles: