RRR: Realization of Reliable and Secure Residential Sensor Platforms

Realization of Reliable and Secure Residential Sensor Platforms (RRR)

The recent emergence of sensor networks has opened up tremendous possibilities for improving the “quality of life” in the residential environment. Important application areas of sensor networks are monitoring of energy (electricity, water, gas) consumption and air quality, healthcare and safety. As a consequence, both the number and the diversity of sensors and actuators in the residential environment will grow at an unprecedented rate in the years to come. The main problem is that, without a generic services platform, application and service providers will install their own sensors, sensor networks and own specific applications. This will lead to an extremely complex, expensive and insecure “stovepipe architecture”, which will not meet tomorrow’s requirements on reliability, security and integrity for the residential environment, and which is not scalable as it fails to exploit the enormous potential for re-usability of sensor data. For example, for healthcare purposes, temperature data is relevant for the quality of the indoor climate, whereas for an energy company the same data is an indication for the isolation properties of a house.

Figure 1: Goal of the project: realization of a generic sensor services platform.

Motivated by this, the main goal of the project is to realize a breakthrough in the field by designing and implementing a proof-of-concept of a generic, reliable and scalable sensor-services platform for the residential home environment, which ensures

  1. the re-usability of sensors and sensor data (sensors are installed once and not for each application),
  2. the security and integrity of the sensor data, and
  3. the ability for multiple service providers to define and use services based on a generic sensor-data platform.

To demonstrate the applicability of the platform, the proof-of-concept will be evaluated in a real-life working environment for use-case applications: an indoor-climate service and an energy-awareness service.

Participants and consortium

The project consortium consists of the following partners (in alphabetic order):

  1. ADT Fire and Security (“ADT”)
  2. Centrum voor Telematica en Informatie Technologie of the University of Twente (“CTIT”)
  3. Centrum Wiskunde en Informatica (“CWI”)
  4. Munisense B.V. (“Munisense”)
  5. Thales Nederland B.V., Huizen (“Thales”)

More information:
view the project website, www.theRRRproject.nl
or contact Maurits de Graaf, M.deGraaf@utwente.nl