Operations Research
Introduction to Models and Methods
https://doi.org/10.1142/12343 November 2021
Richard J. Boucherie
Aleida Braaksma
Henk Tijms
(c) 2022 by World Scientific Publishing Co.
Accompanying software
Note: these packages require Windows
- MCQueue:
This software package contains two modules. The first module is for the transient and steady-state analysis of discrete-time and continuous-time Markov chains up to 100 states. The second module calculates performance measures including queue-length probabilities and waiting-time probabilities for basic queueing models (M/G/1 queue, M/M/c queue, M/D/c queue, G/M/c queue, M/M/c/c+N queue, the transient M/M/1 queue).
Download MCQueue (zip-file) - ORSTAT2000: educational software for applied probability and operations research
The software package contains modules for coin-tossing, roulette, Buffon's needle problem, central limit theorem, simulation of queues, traveling salesman problem, dynamic programming, linear programming, and integer programming amongst others. For non-commercial use, the full version of the software package ORSTAT2000 can be downloaded free of charge.
Download ORSTAT2000 (zip-file)