UTFacultiesEEMCSDisciplines & departmentsRSNews & HighlightsUpdate on our MSc course "Mobile Radio Communications"

Update on our MSc course "Mobile Radio Communications" "Mobile Radio Communications" becomes "Wireless Propagation Channels"

Are you interested in wireless communications or radar sensing? Do you want engage with physics & mathematics and challenge yourself with a simulations & measurements project? 

The Radio Systems group has updated its MSc course "Mobile Radio Communications" to a new version "Wireless Propagation Channels". In this course, we support you on your way to mastering the understanding of radio propagation in various communication/sensing scenarios, and to applying this knowledge using practical radio devices. 

You will see the "unseen" radio propagation world! 

Come join us in Q3 of this academic year! 

Students from EE/CS/M all welcome.