UTFacultiesEEMCSDisciplines & departmentsPSNewsLet's get swarming: PS to work on collaborative drones

Let's get swarming: PS to work on collaborative drones We are part of a exciting consortium on a new NWO KiC project

Together with an incredible assembly of academic and industrial partners, we are proud to have been awarded one of the three NWO KiC projects on collaboration between humans and (semi-)autonomous systems. Lead by Tilburg University we will be working on swarming drones collaborating with humans. This project represents another great collaboration with our industrial partner THALES.


STEADFAST – Swarm Technology Enabling Advanced Drone-Facilitated Active Support Tactics for Military and First Responder Operations


Situational awareness (SA) is critical for disaster response, particularly for military (special) operations when prompt decision-making and real-time monitoring are essential. Intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) combined with human-swarm teaming (HST) capabilities can provide accurate and efficient SA in both natural and densely populated areas. All the same, a number of scientific and sociological obstacles make successful HST deployment hard. By enabling quicker reaction times, improved decision-making, and more efficient use of military and first responder personnel and resources, this project hopes to minimise casualties and collateral damage.


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