UTFacultiesEEMCSDisciplines & departmentsPSEducationComparative Study of Operating Systems for Docker Containers on IoT Devices

Comparative Study of Operating Systems for Docker Containers on IoT Devices

Comparative Study of Operating Systems for Docker Containers on IoT Devices


The Internet of Things (IoT) has witnessed exponential growth, leading to a substantial increase in the deployment of IoT devices. Docker containers have emerged as a popular technology for deploying applications on these devices due to their lightweight nature and efficient resource management. However, the choice of the operating system (OS) on which these containers run can significantly impact performance, security, and power consumption. This research proposal outlines a study aimed at comparing various OS options for running Docker containers on IoT devices with a particular focus on power consumption.


The primary objectives of this research study are as follows:

  1. To conduct a comprehensive literature review to identify relevant OS options for IoT devices running Docker containers.
  2. To select the two most promising OS candidates based on the literature review and expert recommendations.
  3. To measure and compare power consumption patterns of these selected OSs when running Docker containers on representative IoT devices.


Literature Review

A comprehensive literature review will be conducted to identify existing research and publications related to OS options for Docker containers on IoT devices. This review will encompass factors such as compatibility, performance, security, and community support. The findings from the literature review will provide valuable insights into the available options.

OS Selection

Based on the literature review and expert recommendations, two OS candidates will be selected for further evaluation. These candidates should represent different OS families or philosophies (e.g., Linux-based and real-time OS). The selection will consider factors like community support, ease of use, and potential for optimization.

Power Consumption Measurement

To compare power consumption, a set of representative IoT devices will be chosen. These devices will be equipped with power monitoring hardware to measure power consumption while running Docker containers on the selected OSs. Experiments will be conducted under controlled conditions to ensure accuracy.


Stefano Simonetto (s.simonetto@utwente.nl)