Hacking traffic Lights



The increasing integration of Internet of Things (IoT) technology in urban infrastructure has brought about remarkable advancements in the management of traffic light systems. However, the security of these IoT-connected traffic lights remains a pressing concern, particularly in light of past vulnerabilities, as highlighted during the DEFCON conference three years ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9UUD3a7xP4).

This research proposal aims to investigate and enhance the security of IoT-connected traffic light systems.


The primary objectives of this research study are as follows:

Task 1: Identify the Standard for IoT-Connected Traffic Light Systems

  1. To determine which standards are commonly used for IoT-connected traffic light systems.
  2. To assess the vulnerabilities and security measures associated with these standards.

Task 2: Request/Response Flow Analysis

  1. To investigate the request/response flow between IoT-connected traffic lights and central management applications.
  2. To assess the security implications of this data exchange.


Standard Identification and Assessment

A review of existing literature, standards, and documentation related to IoT-connected traffic light systems will be conducted. This will involve identifying commonly used standards and assessing their security aspects. Vulnerabilities and potential attack vectors associated with these standards will be investigated.

Request/Response Flow Analysis

The research team will closely examine the request/response flow between IoT-connected traffic lights and central management applications. This will include analyzing the data exchange for potential vulnerabilities and security concerns. Special attention will be given to ensuring the secure handling of data.


Stefano Simonetto (s.simonetto@utwente.nl)