MaritimeManet in a Lab

MaritimeManet in a Lab


Geographically distributed cyber-physical systems such as a swarm of drones can be abstracted as a distributed application, i.e., a collection of processes exchanging information with each other. When a distributed application has been designed and realized, it must be tested for correct operation. One aspect of testing is how it deals with characteristics and changes in the underlying wireless network. This is where network simulators can be advantageous.

In this assignment we assume MaritimeManet, a novel mobile ad-hoc network concept, as the wireless network. A distributed simulator for MaritimeManet (DSM) has recently been built to test the functional correctness of MaritimeManet. In addition, to test the correct routing operation on top of MaritimeManet, the Batman Topology Configurator (BTC) has been realized. While both the DSM and the BTC have been developed to test MaritimeManet and Batman, respectively, in combination they can perfectly be used to test distributed applications running over MaritimeManet.


The objective of this assignment is to integrate the DSM and the BTC into one (simulation) platform called ‘MaritimeManet in a Lab’ (MaMaLab). This platform shows all the characteristics of a real wireless ad-hoc network with maneuvering nodes, while (possibly) implemented on a single computer in a lab. A distributed application that runs over MaMaLab will thus experience the same performance (delay, bandwidth, loss) as in a real MaritimeManet.  


The assignment aims at the creation of MaMaLab by integrating the existing DSM and the BTC. When MaMaLab has been realized, its usefulness is validated by installing, running and testing the Martello key distribution application on it. Martello will be provided by Thales.

The assignment includes research aspects, implementation aspects (programming and Linux networking) and testing/demonstration aspects.

Work: 40% theory, 40% implementation, 20% writing.


Jan Laarhuis (