Bachelor Assignments

Make Cars Great Again: V2X Communication in mixed traffic

Status: Assigned
Student: Lichen Xia

Problem Statement: 

Could we live in a world without traffic lights? Vehicles would have to know traffic situations around them and adjust their behaviour accordingly. The purpose of this research project is to study the best way to allow cars, trucks and bicycles to communicate among themselves and with a cellular wireless technology to ensure that they are all aware of each other’s presence.  But cars and bicycles
driving at different speeds will have different requirements in delay and how far ahead they need to be aware. 


The student will use the traffic simulator SUMO to generate realistic mobility scenarios and then a network simulator (NS-3, OMNET++, ONE …) to study how to minimise the number of lost messages between all these different vehicles. 


20% Theory, 60% Simulations, 20%Writing.


Alessandro Chiumento (