Wanted: candidates for Marina van Damme scholarship

Are you a UT alumna, with either a master's degree or a PhD and do you want to receive € 9.000 for the further development of your career? Then you might be a candidate for the Marina van Dammescholarship! Send us your advanced notification before August 15th, 2024 to universiteitsfonds@utwente.nl. Proposals can be submitted no later than September 4th, 2024.


This prize is intended to broaden your personal growth and development, for example by expanding knowledge or doing an international orientation in the form of a study, internship or project. The grant is not intended to finance (or co-finance) a doctoral degree project. Furthermore, applications focused on pursuing a follow-up programme at the University of Twente will not be considered. 


The proposals will be assessed by a jury consisting of a previous grant winner, a professor from the University of Twente, a Board member of the Twente University Fund and a UT entrepreneur.

Check our website for the specific criteria and more information about the application process. 

This grant is made possible thanks to a donation of dr. ir. M.A. van Damme. In 1965 she became the first doctoral graduate from the former Technical College Twente (THT).