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Final agreement on Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities 2023-2024

On 26 June 2023, following a positive consultation of their members, Universiteiten van Nederland and the employees' organisations FNV, AC/FBZ, CNV Overheid and Aob converted their negotiating agreement concluded on 28 June into a final agreement on the Collective Labour Agreement (CLA) for Dutch Universities 2023-2024 (in Dutch).

 The CLA runs from 1 April 2023 through 30 June 2024. The CLA includes, among other things, the following provisions:

  • salaries for all permanent and temporary employees will be increased by 9% on 1 August 2023;
  • in addition, employees employed by a Dutch university on 1 August 2023 (among others on-call workers are excluded) will receive a one-off gross payment in proportion to their employment. The payment amounts to EUR 1,200 for employees earning the minimum hourly wage for the university sector, EUR 1,000 for employees up to and including salary scale 9 and EUR 800 for employees in salary scale 10 and upwards;
  • the number of lecturers on a temporary employment contract expressed as a percentage of the scientific staff must be reduced from 15% to 13.5% within three years;
  • from 2024 onwards, employees have the possibility to exchange Good Friday for another recognised public holiday or remembrance day in order to enjoy paid leave on a holiday of their choice;
  • as of 1 August 2023, the parties  to the CLA will arrange partially paid transition leave for visits to a physician or psychologist related to diagnostics, medical transition and/or homone  therapy during the transition period. Once this issue becomes law this arrangement will lapse and the parties will consult to see if further arrangements are needed.

The parties to the CLA will convert the agreements in the CLA agreement into the final text. We will inform you when the final text of the collective labour agreement is available. For any further questions after that time, please contact the HR adviser of your faculty or service department.