UTFacultiesEEMCSDisciplines & departmentsMathematics of Computational ScienceMCS in the NewsPhD candidate Dieuwertje Alblas wins best poster award in the STACOM workshop at MICCAI 2022 in Singapore

PhD candidate Dieuwertje Alblas wins best poster award in the STACOM workshop at MICCAI 2022 in Singapore

For her Phd project, Dieuwertje works on finding parameters associated with rupture of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA’s), based on image data. To analyse an aneurysm, we need a watertight 3D model of the aorta. Explicit representations of the vessel geometry are challenging to acquire directly from image data. At the STACOM workshop, Dieuwertje presented an AI-based method to acquire a vascular model based on a set of 3D points on the surface.

The key idea was to represent the surface by an implicit function, rather than explicitly. Therefore using a neural network to represent this function, that was optimized based on the set of points on the surface. Some benefits of these function representations: it captures anatomical priors and allows for smooth blending of vessels.

We are happy to announce that this work was awarded with a best poster award at the STACOM workshop at MICCAI 2022 in Singapore.