UTFacultiesEEMCSDisciplines & departmentsICDNewsAls je niet weet hoe het werkt, ga je geloven wat de eerste de beste mafkees roept.

Als je niet weet hoe het werkt, ga je geloven wat de eerste de beste mafkees roept.

You might have heard about the theory that coronavirus vaccinations will contain a chip that will be used to track you through the 5G network and alter your DNA. When you don't know anything about ICs this might sound plausible. But at the ICD group we do know about ICs. We design them and we do research in wireless communication. Bram Nauta was interviewed by the newspaper Reformatorisch Dagblad to give his input to the discussion. It's in Dutch, but the gist of it roughly translates to "If you don't know how it works, you can believe any idiot's theory". Story here.