UTFacultiesEEMCSEventsInnovation in Robotics and AI: Working together for the Future of Work

Innovation in Robotics and AI: Working together for the Future of Work

Innovation in Robotics and AI

Working together for the future of work in agri-food, care, safety and heavy occupations

It’s a well-known pressing reality: many societies, including the Netherlands, are facing critical labour shortages across key sectors. In several areas, the lack of available workforce and challenges to job quality are leading to serious socio-economic issues. 

To address this, we bring together external and internal speakers who will offer firsthand insights into the major obstacles they see and face. By gaining a clearer understanding of these challenges, we, as the UT robotics community, can identify meaningful ways to contribute, innovate, and support transformative solutions. 

Our goal is that this meeting—along with follow-up sessions—will set the stage for ambitious, large-scale programs at national and international levels, such as the TTW Perspective Programs. For these initiatives, close collaboration with non-academic stakeholders and a deep understanding of the challenges they face are essential. Together, we can drive impactful change.


  1. Welcome & introduction: Setting the stage for challenges and opportunities.
  2. Industry insights: Presentations on real-world needs and challenges.
  3. Scientific highlights: Researchers share the latest trends and breakthroughs in robotics and AI.
  4. Break-out sessions: Small group discussions on three key solution areas:
    1. Labour support (including inclusive employment and easing heavy workloads).
    2. Automation of hazardous, repetitive, or dirty tasks.
    3. Enabling remote work capabilities.
  5. Wrap-up & next steps: Recap of key takeaways and pathways for future collaboration.

This session is an excellent opportunity to connect and participate in projects with leading researchers, innovative companies, and like-minded professionals who are passionate about driving solutions to pressing labour market challenges.

As we focus on exploring solutions, we warmly welcome potential collaboration partners to join this event. If you’re interested in engaging with projects on this topic, we encourage you to attend. 
For those primarily seeking inspiration and networking opportunities, we recommend attending our annual Robotics Day in April.

Interested? Register here.

Innovation in Robotics and AI: Working together for the Future of Work