Netherlands GEPRO was provided by Frederik Geertsema.
It represents a large school secondary school in Amsterdam.
GEPRO was the name is a small company selling school timetabling software, owned by Frederik Geertsema.
This dataset was converted by Gerhard Post from this system. The constraints were added by hand, as these did not exist in GEPRO.
This dataset contains an infeasibility that can not be avoided: the school decide to
schedule two lessons (event "IN (6V_1)_237701" and event "LA (6V_d)_238100",
both in event group "gr_Link13945") for student_817 at the same time.
The student will be given the choice which of these lessons to attend.
A summary of the data can be found in the following table:
Assets |
Times |
Teachers |
Rooms |
Students |
Classes |
# events |
Total duration |
value |
44 |
132 |
80 |
846 |
44 |
2675 |
2675 |
The following constraints are present:
- Scheduling constraints: AssignTimeConstraint and SplitEventsConstraint.
- Event constraints: PreferTimesConstraint, SpreadEventsConstraint, and LinkEventsConstraint.
- Resource constraints: AvoidClashesConstraint, AvoidUnavailableTimesConstraint, LimitIdleTimesConstraint, ClusterBusyTimesConstraint, and LimitBusyTimesConstraint.
The following solutions are submitted for this instance:
SolutionGroup |
Feasibility value |
Objective value |
Feasibility lowerbound |
Submitted by |
Received |
GerhardPost_2009-04-29 |
1 |
566 |
1 |
Gerhard Post |
2009 |
XML file
NetherlandsGEPRO.xml (instance and solution)
previous versions:
NetherlandsGEPRO.xml (XHSTT2013)[Update to 2014: cost function simplified.] NetherlandsGEPRO.xml (XHSTT2012)
[Update to 2013: Added some links that were missed in XHSTT2012 due to a mistake in the conversion.] NetherlandsGEPRO.xml (XHSTT2011)
[Update to 2012: Removed several groups as well as all rooms, as they did not appear in events.] NetherlandsGEPRO.xml (XHSTT2010)
[Update to 2011: Throughout renamed "SchoolClass" to "Class". Added EventGroup "gr_Link13945" to "LinkEventsConstraint_7"]