Finland Artificial is an artificial instance created and provides in XHSTT by Cimmo Nurmi and Jari Kyngäs.
Though the problem is not very large, it is relatively difficult to solve because of the density
(many potential clashes) of the problem.
A summary of the data can be found in the following table:
Assets |
Times |
Teachers |
Rooms |
Students |
Classes |
# events |
Total duration |
value |
20 |
22 |
12 |
- |
13 |
169 |
200 |
The following constraints are present:
- Scheduling constraints: AssignResourceConstraint, AssignTimeConstraint and SplitEventsConstraint.
- Event constraints: PreferResourcesConstraint, PreferTimesConstraint and SpreadEventsConstraint.
- Resource constraints: AvoidClashesConstraint, AvoidUnavailableTimesConstraint, LimitIdleTimesConstraint, and LimitBusyTimesConstraint.
The following solutions are submitted for this instance:
SolutionGroup |
Feasibility value |
Objective value |
Submitted by |
Received |
CimmoJari_2011-05-10 |
0 |
0 |
Cimmo Nurmi and Jari Kyngäs |
June 8, 2011 |
XML file
FinlandArtificialSchool.xml (instance and solution)
previous versions:
FinlandArtificialSchool.xml (XHSTT2013)
[Update to 2014: cost function simplified.]
FinlandArtificialSchool.xml (XHSTT2011)
[Update to 2012: Several issues solved, in particular the modeling of rooms.]
FinlandArtificialSchool.xml (XHSTT2010)
[Update to 2011: Throughout renamed "SchoolClass" to "Class", and removed the students (not in use).]