These are recurrent local events in which we participate:
- MSC Seminar (Seminar of our MSc students in Operations Research)
- Operations Research Seminar (Research seminar for the two OR Groups DMMP and SOR)
- DAMUT Colloquium (The Colloquium of the Department Applied Mathematics of the UT)
- Further, we have an irregular reading group (yet without a website)
Past events that we (co-)organized:
- 3rd Dutch-Chinese Workshop on Game Theory and Applications (2016, in Fuzhou, China)
- Discrete Mathematics Seminar (We used to have a regular group seminar till 2013, now the OR Seminar)
- Dutch Day on Computational Game Theory (2012, workshop of the Dutch Network on Computational Game Theory)
- Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization (CTW 2013, in Enschede)
- CHOIR in Practice
- Seminar 'The Future of our Energy Supply'
- 2nd Dutch-Chinese Workshop on Game Theory and Applications (2013, in Enschede, see the booklet)
- 1st Dutch-Chinese Workshop on Game Theory and Applications (2010, in Xi'ian, China)
- 9th Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling problems (MAPSP 2009)