Name Project | Start | End | Sponsor | Main Contact |
VWData | 1/3/2018 | 1/4/2020 | NWO | |
INF4All | 1/3/2019 | 1/8/2020 | UU | Anna Sperotto, Matthijs Jonker |
Online Discoverability and Vulnerabilities of ICS/SCADA Devices in the Netherlands | 1/1/2018 | 1/9/2019 | WODC | Jair Santanna |
SAND-3 | 1/4/2018 | 1/10/2020 | SIDN / NLNetLabs | |
DNS (Anycast) Security | 1/4/2016 | 1/4/2017 | NWO | |
OpenIntel | 1/1/2015 | 31/12/2018 | SIDN, SURFnet | Roland van Rijswijk-Deij |
Distributed Denial-of-Service Defence (D3) | 1/1/2014 | 31/12/2018 | NWO | Anna Sperotto |
SAND | 1/11/2014 | 1/11/2017 | SIDN / NLNetLabs | |
Allegio: Composable Embedded Systems for Healthcare | Sep-2011 | Sep-2016 | COMMIT | |
e-Balance | Oct-2013 | Mar-2017 | EU | |
Flamingo | Nov-2012 | Nov-2016 | EU | |
Mobility 2.0 | Sep-2012 | Mar-2015 | EU | |
Mobile Cloud Networking | Nov-2012 | Nov-2015 | EU | |
SALUS | Nov-2013 | Nov-2016 | EU | |
Sensation | Oct-2012 | Oct-2015 | EU | |
TENETS: Towards efficient simulation of non-Markovian queueing networks | Jun-2012 | Jun-2016 | NWO | |
More secure SCADA networks through self-awareness | Oct-2014 | Oct-2018 | NWO | |
Dependability Analysis of Fluid Critical Infrastructures using Stochastic Hybrid Models | Mar-2011 | Mar-2015 | NWO - VENI | |
CPS-CNS | Nov-2013 | Nov-2017 | NWO - STW | |
SOWICI: Smart Optical-Wireless In-Home Communication Infrastructure | Jun-2011 | Jun-2016 | NWO - STW | |
Walnut: Wireless Ad-hoc Links using robust Noise-based Ultra-wideband Transmission | Jun-2011 | Jun-2015 | NWO - STW | |
MIDAS | Apr-2010 | Apr-2014 | ECP-EPN | |
COST WiNeMO - Wireless Networking for Moving Objects | Jan-2010 | May-2014 | EU | |
COST TMA: Traffic Measurements and Analysis | Mar-2008 | Mar-2012 | EU | |
UniverSelf: Autonomic Management for the Future Internet | Sep-2010 | Aug-2013 | EU | |
Emanics: Management Solutions for Next Generation Networks | Jan-2006 | May-2010 | EU | |
E-NEXT: Network of Excellence Emerging Network Technologies | Jan-2004 | Jul-2006 | EU | |
Seacorn: Simulation of Enhanced UMTS Access and Core Networks | Mar-2002 | Mar-2004 | EU | |
Casimir: QoS for Metropolitan Ethernet Networks | Jan-2006 | Jan-2009 | NWO | |
EQUIP: Enabling Quality of Service in IP-Based Communication Networks | Aug-2001 | Jan-2006 | NWO | |
MC=MC: Model-Checking of Infinite-State Markov Chains | Aug-2004 | Aug-2008 | NWO | |
MOQS: Modeling and Analysis of QoS of Component-Based Designs | Sep-2005 | Dec-2008 | NWO | |
VeriGEM: A Verification Grid for Enhanced Model Checking | Dec-2005 | Dec-2008 | NWO | |
Voss: Validation of Stochastic Systems | Mar-2001 | Jan-2004 | NWO | |
Voss-2: Validation of Stochastic Systems II | Jan-2005 | Jan-2008 | NWO | |
McStores: Model Checking Stochastic Systems using Rare Event Simulation | Jun-2009 | Jun-2013 | NWO | |
MATMaM: Mean-Field Approximation Techniques for Markov Models | Apr-2010 | Apr-2014 | NWO | |
Rocks: Rigorous Dependability Analysis using Model Checking Techniques for Stochastic Systems | Apr-2009 | Mar-2012 | NWO - DFG | |
FLAMINGO: Flexible Multi-wavelength Optical LAN | Mar-1998 | Mar-2003 | NWO - STW | |
Bluetooth Networking | Apr-1999 | Dec-2003 | SENTER - BSIK | |
Freeband/Awareness: context AWARE mobile NEtworks and ServiceS | Jan-2004 | Jan-2009 | SENTER - BSIK | |
Freeband/PNP2008: Development of a user centric ambient communication environment | Jan-2004 | Jan-2009 | SENTER - BSIK | |
SPITS: Strategic Platform for Intelligent Traffic Systems | Jul-2009 | Jun-2011 | SENTER - HTT | |
Connect & Drive | Oct-2008 | Oct-2010 | SENTER - HTAS | |
FSAN: Full-service Access Network using Multimode Fibre | Mar-2004 | Mar-2008 | SENTER - IOP | |
PN@H: Quality of Service for Personal Networks at Home | Sep-2003 | Sep-2007 | SENTER - IOP | |
Q-Wing: Quality of Service in the Wireless Internet Next Generation | Jan-2099 | Dec-2003 | SENTER - IOP | |
Sequal: Service Optimization and Quality | Oct-2008 | Oct-2012 | SENTER - IOP Gencom | |
GEODES | Oct-2009 | Oct-2010 | SENTER - ITEA | |
NGENMon: Next Generation Ethernet Network Monitoring | Jan-2010 | Dec-2012 | SURFnet – Gigaport 3 | |
NSIS: Next Steps in Signaling | Jun-2006 | Jun-2007 | Ericsson | |
Optische Netwerken | Sep-1999 | Sep-2003 | PTT-Research ITB | |
Gigaport: Research on Networks | Jan-2005 | Dec-2007 | SURFNET | |
Fish and Chips | Jan-2007 | Jan-2008 | Telematica Instituut | |
E-Quality: Expertise Centre on Performance and Quality of Service in ICT | Dec-2005 | Aug-2010 | TNO-ICT | |
CAD: Cyber Attack Detector | Jul-2011 | Dec-2012 | TNO | |
GCDC: Grand Corporate Driving Challenge | May-2010 | May-2011 | Various |