2023 - 2027 The Vibrating Socks project

People involved from BSS

Freezing is typically treated with medication, but the effectiveness of the drugs diminishes rapidly. A promising non-pharmacological approach is called "Cueing." In Cueing, individuals are provided with a stimulus (a "cue") to overcome the walking blockage. The sudden stimulus helps the brain initiate the next movement. Among the various existing Cueing approaches, vibrotactile cueing is the least intrusive and inconspicuous method. It is non-invasive, has no side effects, and can be applied through a vibrating element (e.g., on the foot), making it neither visible nor audible from the outside. Vibrotactile Cueing has significant potential to improve Freezing without limiting the daily activities of the affected individuals.

Therefore, the Parkinson Vibrating Socks Project aims to develop a prototype of such a Cueing system: a small device worn on the ankle containing a sensor. It takes a patient-centered approach and will clinically and scientifically evaluate the system. The system analyzes the walking pattern using machine learning algorithms and provides a vibrotactile cue when Freezing is detected. Additionally, an app will be developed to connect with the device, collect relevant data for the affected individuals and healthcare providers, and present it in an easily understandable manner.

See also: Parkinson Vibrating Socks (uni-muenster.de)

This project is sponsored by: InterregVI program 2023-2027