people involved from bss
Population ageing brings significant challenges to our society. With increasing age, the prevalence of incurable neurodegenerative diseases, like Alzheimer’s disease – the most common form of dementia - increases as well. In 2018, 50 million people worldwide were living with dementia, and it has been estimated that this number will reach 152 million in 2050. As curative approaches have so far been unsuccessful, dementia prevention or risk reduction through lifestyle management has gained increasing attention. However, currently existing lifestyle interventions are only accessible for a small number of people, as they rely on large teams of researchers and care givers. To increase uptake in society, we need to translate these research-based interventions to cost-effective home-based interventions. Specific eHealth tools for the targeted population need to be developed to give relevant and personalised information.
The Biomedical Signals and Systems group is part of this large programme that will be testing a multi-domain lifestyle intervention in Dutch older adults. We work together with the UT Interaction Design group and other partners in the programme on the ultimate aim of offering elderly people a personalised lifestyle intervention at home.
The project is funded by the NWO crossover programme, which has the aim to strengthen the Dutch knowledge and innovation system with public-private partnerships.
More information about the programme can be found on its website.