Despite the large number of scientific publications in the microfluidic field, only few commercial applications exist. One of the reasons is, in the current market there is a large gap between the lab and fab environment. The project tries to close this gap by organizing the industrial partners in the project into a distributed pilot line. A second point the project tries to improve is the standardization in the microfluidic field. This standardization should make it possible to buy COTS (Commercial Of The Self) microfluidic components and interconnect them to form a microfluidic product. This prohibits the need for companies to do the whole research, product design, manufacturing and product testing in-house.
Standardization will focus on elementary devices, chip-to-chip interconnections, chip-to-world interconnection and an interposer (like a printed circuit board (PCB) in the electronics world).
Our role: Within this large European project, MESA+ will focus mainly on the development of (1) microfluidic elementary devices, using standardized interconnects and (2) the development of a microfluidic circuit board (MCB) as the fluidic equivalent to a PCB.
Project Website: Home - Microfluidics Assciation (