Bachelor education

This page will show you various possibilities in how to register a study life cycle in OSIRIS (from Study Programme to Graduation).

At UT, we work with the educational model TOM 2.0 for bachelor's studies at the University of Twente. 

  • Study Programme

    The study programme contains the curriculum of the study for a specific cohort. Students are linked to the same study programme in Osiris during their whole study. The study programme is a base for reports to monitor the study progress of students. In addition, the study programme is the basis for the diploma supplement.

    A study programme in Osiris will be set up by key user Osiris gradually per study year and per module. Each module can be designed into a specific type. There are three types of modules:

    • Integrated module: The module consists of 1 study unit (course code) of 15 EC. There will be one final result for the study unit. The EC will be awarded when the whole study unit has been completed.
    Integrated module (schematically)
    • Coherent module: The module consists of multiple study units (course codes), with a total amount of 15 EC. There will be a final result per study unit. The EC for a study unit will be awarded, when that study unit has been completed.
    Coherent module (schematically)
    • Mixed module: The module consists of multiple study units (course codes), with a total amount of 15 EC. One of the study units is integrated, this is the largest study unit (highest number of EC) of the module. There will be a final result per study unit. The EC will be awarded, when that study unit has been completed.
    Mixed module (schematically)

    Which information is needed to compose a study programmE in Osiris?

    • Final curriculum:
      • Course information per module: Which type of module? What are the study units per module? What is the amount of EC per study unit?
    • Are there any possibilities to compensate within the study programme or study unit?
    • 'Dummy-course'

      For each (type of) regular module is a ‘dummy-course’ created. This ‘dummy-course’ is a course without any EC (0 EC). This course will be used for:

      • Module name on the diploma supplement or on a study progress overview;
      • Canvas-course: there is only one Canvas-course per module*;
      • STAR programme**: when a student participated in a module which is part of the STAR programme, this will be registered on the dummy-course.

      * There are exceptions possible for continuous learning or (elective) courses shared by studyprogrammes. 

      ** A STAR programme is an excellence-programme in different modules for talented bachelor students (B-COM, B-IBA, B-ID, B-MST, B-PSY).

    • Compensation

      The system will automatically calculate the compensation, if the compensation is set in Osiris. However, the possibilities to arrange compensation in Osiris are limited. Compensation can be arranged on two levels:

      1. In a study programme:
        1. Compensation within a coherent or mixed module***;
        2. Compensation within one study year***;
        3. Compensation in multiple study years.***
      2. In a study unit (course code):
        1. Compensation within (composite) tests;
        2. Compensation within an integrated module.

      *** It is not possible to combine every option of compensation in Osiris, please consult with a key user for the possibilities.

  • Study Units - Course Codes

    A course code will be automatically generated by Osiris. The first numbers of the course code are equal to the study year of creating. For example, in study year 2020-2021 all new course codes will start with 2020xxxxxx. When there are no changes in the study unit, the course code will be used beyond study years (see: ‘When do we need to create a new course code in Osiris?).

    To create a new study unit / course in Osiris, please use the form below. The filled form can be send to the key user Osiris of your faculty.

    • Which information is needed to create a course code in Osiris?

      The following information is needed per study unit:

      • Name of the study unit;
      • Contact person / examiner
      • Amount of EC
      • Starting block
        • Quartile 1 = 1A
        • Quartile 2 = 1B
        • Quartile 3 = 2A
        • Quartile 4 = 2B
        • Year
    • Which information is needed to finalise a course code in Osiris?
      • Instructional modes - obligatory attendance?
      • Assessment plan:
        • Per (composite) test: Name - Contactperson - Minimum Grade - EC - Weight - Grading scale (1-decimal or Pass/Fail)
      • Module aims
      • Module content
      • Lecturer(s)
      • Prerequisite knowledge/Required prescience

      When a course code is finalised:

      • The course is visible in Osiris course catalogue;
      • The student can enrol in the course (in the registration periods);
      • The course is visible at the 'people page' of the lecturers.
    • When do we need to create a new course code in Osiris?
      • When you change the name of the study unit;
      • When you change the amount of EC of the study unit;
      • When you change the course type of the study unit.
        • The course type will define whether test results are shown on the diploma supplement or not.
  • Register for Study Units / Modules

    Bachelor students can register themselves for modules / study units in Osiris Student. The standard procedure to register for a (part of a) module is to register by 'Exam Component'.

    If a student can not find a specific study unit via 'Exam Component', they can use register by 'Course Module'.

    For more detailed information about registering, see 'Manuals for students'.

  • Results

    Simultaneously with the start of TOM 2.0, in study year 2020-2021, the final grades of study units will be rounded to whole and half grades (except the 5.5). These final grades will be automatically calculated by Osiris using the weighting per test within the study unit.

    which types of results are available in Osiris?

    • Test result: test grades registered by the exam office (grading scale: 1-decimal or Pass/Fail)*
    • Final grade: Calculated by Osiris based on the test results and the weighting per test. On this basis the EC per study unit will be awarded.
    • Course grade: The automatically calculated result can be overruled by a course grade

    * When only one test grade is registered in Osiris, the test result will lead to the final grade of the study unit.

    • How will final grades be rounded of to whole and half grades?

      The following table is used in Osiris to round the final grades:

      From grade

      Till grade

      Final grades round to whole and half grades























































  • Binding Recommendation (BSA)

    The new educational model TOM 2.0 leads to changes in the registered results in Osiris. What are the effects of these changes to the automatically calculated binding recommendation in Osiris?

    • Starting from study year 2020-2021 Osiris will calculate a positive final advice from 45 EC. The first pre-recommendation will calculate a positive advice starting at 15 EC and for the second pre-recommendation Osiris will calculate a positive advice starting at 30 EC. Corrections to these calculated advices are still possible.
      • First pre-recommendation: December
      • Second pre-recommendation: March
      • Final advice: August
    • To calculate the binding recommendation, Osiris will use the final grades on study units. Test-results can not be used in the automatic calculation in Osiris, because of the complexity of TOM 2.0. Additional, the results of the dummy-course do not have any effect on the automatically calculated advice.
    • The mail attached to a undetermined (neutral) pre-recommendation is adjusted and therefore usable in more situations.
    • In Osiris it is not possible to use specific programme requirements  in the automatically calculated advice (for example a student has to obtain 3 of the 4 mathematics courses). Those additional requirements have to be checked manually by the educational staff.
    • According to the EER 2019-2020 (article 6.4 – 2), students who stopped their study before 1 February 2020 and re-joined their study in September 2020, are seen as first year students. They will start with a new study programme in Osiris.
      • Please note: Previously obtained credits on study units (before 1 September 2020) are not automatically calculated in the binding recommendation.
  • Graduation

    A new format of the study programme will be used in Osiris, according to the educational model TOM 2.0. This new format results in a new approach to arrange the diploma supplement.

    There are three types of modules:

    1. Integrated module: Test results are shown on the diploma supplement
    2. Coherent module: Test results are not shown on the diploma supplement
    3. Mixed module: 
      1. Test results of the integrated part are shown on the diploma supplement
      2. Test results of the coherent part are not shown on the diploma supplement

    • Examples of modules on a diploma supplement

      Integrated module

      Diploma supplement integrated module (example)

      Coherent module

      Diploma supplement coherent module (example)

      Mixed module

      Diploma supplement mixed module (example)