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Negotiation seminar for professionals & students Workshops & presentations by renowned negotiation experts

On Saturday 11 June 2022, the University of Twente is organising a live negotiation seminar in cooperation with the Dutch Negotiation Network and PIN's training branch POINT (Program on International Negotiation Training). The seminar takes place at the campus of the University of Twente and is for professionals and students enthusiastic about negotiation. During the seminar, a variety of practical workshops and presentations are offered, covering essential topics for negotiators in this day and age. 

The workshops are led by POINT’s negotiation experts: Aldis Sigurdardottir, Paul Meerts, Frans Schram, Geert Hommes, Sami Faltas and Adel Faltas.

Come and learn how culture, the virtual environment, artificial intelligence, gender, and our personalities affect negotiations. Discover what role power, trust, and perceptions play, how you can plan and prepare for the process and which strategies you can employ in negotiation. View the programme below and pick your favorite lectures. 


10:00-10:30h   Walk-in & Welcome
10:30-11:00h   Opening speech by Aldis Sigurdardottir
11:00-12:00h   Morning workshops:
                        Dispute Resolution - Aldis Sigurdardottir
                        Introduction to International Political Negotiation - Paul Meerts
                        Virtual Negotiation - Frans Schram
12:00-13:00h   Lunch
13:00-15:00h   Afternoon workshops round 1:
                        Crisis Negotiation - Paul Meerts
                        Body Language and Negotiation - Geert Hommes
                        Professional Negotiation and Confusion Between Cousins (NL-GER) - Sami & Adel Faltas
15:00-17:00h   Afternoon workshops round 2:
                        Crisis Negotiation - Paul Meerts
                        Body Language and Negotiation - Geert Hommes
                        Professional Negotiation and Confusion Between Cousins (NL-GER) - Sami & Adel Faltas
17:00-18:00h   Panel discussion with all speakers. Moderator: Frans Schram.
18:00-19:30h   Reception

Practical information


You can purchase your ticket via Eventbrite following one of the links below.

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About the trainers

The workshops are led by the following internationally renowned negotiation experts:

  • Aldís Guðný Sigurðardóttir

    Current Profession: 
    Director of Executive MBA program and Assistant Professor at Reykjavik University; Guest Researcher at the University of Twente. I am an Assistant Conciliation and Mediation Officer (ACMO) in Iceland.

    Expertise in negotiation (focus points):
    Negotiation behavior, tactics and their effectiveness, negotiation strategy, deception within negotiations, conflict management, and mediation.

    Workshop: Dispute Resolution 
    Aldis' workshop is about conflict resolution and what skills are needed to solve a successfully and effectively conflict.

    Get negotiation skills in your DNA, and it will pay off!

  • Paul Willem Meerts


    • Morning workshop: introduction to international negotiation
    • Afternoon workshop: practicing EU negotiation on external issues

    Not everything is negotiable

  • Peter-Geert Hommes Wardenier

    Current profession:
    Trainer in non-verbal communication.

    Learn early to understand people well and prevent pitfalls older professionals made in their careers. 

    “Become your true self” will help in career and negotiations.

  • Sami & Adel Faltas

    Expertise in the field of negotiation (focus points):
    Language, culture, peacemaking.

    Training and research:
    Sami trains professionals in good governance and political negotiation. Adel works on cross-culture coopera­tion, advising Dutch and German officials and business people on how to deal with each other.

    Workshop: Professional Negotiation and Confusion Between Cousins (The Netherlands - Germany)
    Negotiation is something everyone does every day. We negotiate at home, at work, and when buying and selling. As amateurs, avoidable mistakes are made repeatedly. Profess­ional negotiators cannot afford such carelessness. 

    Negotiators often come from different backgrounds, and the greatest danger they face is misunder­stand­ing. The danger of cross-cultural misunderstandings is well known.

    But cultural misunderstandings can also disturb communications between women and men from the same background. Similarly, they can affect dealings between people from very similar cultures. Take cultural cousins like the Dutch and the Germans. They have a lot in common and often communicate easily with each other, but tend to overlook differences in language and culture. Such mistakes may cause no more than a hiccup in communication, but they can potentially lead to serious misunder­stand­ing, which is the last thing you want in negotiations. We will provide examples of such mishaps, especially among business people, and discuss how to avoid them.

    Sami Faltas
  • Frans Schram

    Current profession:
    Frans Schram has over 15 years of experience in negotiation, mediation, intercultural dialogue, and diplomacy. As a trainer, he regularly provides services to a broad range of public sector organizations (EU, Foreign ministries, international organizations), academic institutions, Resistance/Liberation movements, NGOs and private sector companies. His training and research focus lies predominantly on diplomatic and EU negotiation processes.

    Workshop content: Virtual Negotiation
    What are the effects of the virtual environment (videoconferencing) on the negotiation process and the behavior of its actors? What have we discovered so far and what can we do to better prepare for the hybrid format of tomorrow?

    Frans Schram

About PIN and POINT

The Program on International Negotiation Training (POINT) was founded in 2017, as a branch of The Processes of International Negotiation (PIN, founded in 1988). It is a network of coaches in international negotiation processes. As a group, they work to share knowledge about negotiation with around 4,000 practitioners and scholars around the world through publications and events. 

Only twice a year POINT conducts workshops devoted to the analysis and improvement of the practice of negotiation. Its network cuts across European and American training institutions, being associated with the PIN network, which is linked to the German institute of global and area studies GIGA (Hamburg, Germany). 

Read more about PIN and POINT.

More information

Want to know more about this event or do you experience any problems with purchasing your ticket via Eventbrite? Please contact David Charles van der Griend.

D.C. van der Griend MSc (David)
External PhD Researcher