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Webinar: 'Modelling the COVID-19 pandemic'

Webinar 18 May - 18.00 - 20.00 'Modelling the COVID-19 pandemic' - Flanders Business School in cooperation with University of Twente – Moderator: Petra C. de Weerd-Nederhof

Dynamic data model forecasts fatalities and ICU intakes due to SARS-CoV-2 virus one to three days ahead

Flanders Business School of KU Leuven has been working hard to come up with a forecasting model for the number of fatalities due to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Research has also been carried out into whether it is possible to use this same data model to accurately forecast the number of ICUs needed - in order to help policy advisers, by providing sound data and forecasts, in making informed and well-thought choices.

In this webinar Bart van Looy and Kristof Decock explain in detail the data model of Flanders Business School - and the results obtained so far. Would you as a (future) risk manager, data analyst or policy adviser like to know more about this innovative approach and the power of forecasting and foresight? Please sign up quickly for this webinar (in Dutch, free of charge)!

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Are you curious about the content of this webinar, but is Dutch a foreign language to you? Please check the information on this innovative data model on the website of the Flandres Business School.

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Webinar: 'Modelling the COVID-19 pandemic'