UTVrijhof CultureSoundtrack of the Plastic Age
Jostijn Ligtvoet

Soundtrack of the Plastic Age Rogier de NIjs

listening to plastic

We offer this performance for free!

Suppose! You go to the theatre but it's like walking into a rubbish dump, an apocalyptic world. It turns out to be a fantasy world, littered with plastic, a surreal landscape that bears resemblance to our own world. In this landscape, three percussionists play an array of instruments made out of plastic waste. The music is alienating at times, but it is rhythmic and varied, and its dynamic rhythms exude a hypnotic power. The threat in this crowded, polluted world is made palpable in the music.

The use of video projections creates a 3D image that, together with their own compositions, creates a total experience during this journey that shows the plastic era - 'the Plasticeen' - from different perspectives. Rogier de Nijs keeps getting inspired by this era of waste and pollution. He turns plastic waste into fully-fledged musical instruments. With these, he composes his musical pieces.

  • Percussionists: Sylvan Amoureus, Sjaak van Dam, Rogier De Nijs. 
  • Technique: Brecht Stiers.

Plastic Soup Surfer

The performance is a collaboration with Studium Generale. They are organising a lecture on the theme, where Merijn Tinga, graduated biologist, driven artist and passionate surfer, will talk about the pollution problems surrounding plastic waste, and the countermeasures being developed. 

As an avid surfer, Merijn is irritated by all the plastic waste floating in the sea. As a biologist, he realises how harmful this is for marine life and decided to take action. On a board made of plastic waste, he kitesurfed more than 350 kilometres along the Dutch and Belgian coast. Among other things, his action contributed to the introduction of deposits on plastic bottles and cans. He is known as THE PLASTIC SOUP SURFER.

More about Merijn Tinga

Trailer of the performance Soundtrack of the Plastic Age