UTVrijhof CultureCalenderTalent On The Move

Talent On The Move Codarts Rotterdam/Holland Dance Festival

A carefully selected international group of young dancers from Codarts Rotterdam, the hotspot for contemporary dance, will take you on an exciting dance journey. 

This provocative program will not only showcase the versatility of these talented dancers, but is also a captivating collage of choreographic styles. The sparkling show consists of new works that have been specifically created for the young dancers, but also existing, world famous repertory work by top choreographers. 

Talent on The Move 2018 is featuring among others Jiří Kylián, Antonin Comestaz, Joost Vrouenraets and Jarek Cemerek.

Extra: Meet & Greet the dancers after the show. 

Wanna read Arts Talk Magazine's review? Click here!


Both contemporary dance association Arabesque as student jazz dance association Chassé chose this performance as their inspiration night. All members have free acces! Don't forget to bring your member card.


Make your night out complete with Vrijhof Culture dish in Theatercafe Vrijhof!


Students with UnionCard€ 5,-
Students€ 7,50
Others€ 10,-
Employees University of Twente€ 7,50
Others with CJP / CampusCard / BiebPas€ 7,50
Talent On The Move Codarts Rotterdam/Holland Dance Festival