(c) Fouad Hallak
(c) Fouad Hallak
(c) Fouad Hallak

Inside Syria Fouad Hallak

During the Dutch Peace Week Vrijhof Culture and Studium Generale present the exhibition Inside Syria, photos by Fouad Hallak.

The photos were taken in 2014 by 27 year old Syrian photographer Fouad Hallak who fled his native city of Aleppo because of the war in Syria. He now lives in a Dutch refugee centre.

The story of Aleppo is tragic, chaotic, and full of destruction. That is what we see when we turn on the news. In many of the pictures of Fouad Hallak however, there is also strength, resilience, joy, and above all, hope.

The symposium Syria at war with journalist Lex Runderkamp, Fouad Hallak and others will be the finissage of this exhibition.