UTVrijhof CultureCalenderStart Digital Photography

Start Digital Photography Alina Pahl

Digital Photography seems to be simple. You think you’ve made some great pictures, but is this really true?

Do you use all your cameras functions? In this course, you learn about how to look at things and how to make good choices. The teacher creates individual assignments and we will  discuss this with the group.  A part of the course is how to use light, and you are taught the basics of Photoshop and Light room. It is also possible to exhibit your photos. In the first part of the course, given by Alina Pahl, the focus will be on the practice. We will pick the whole range from the Philosophy of Photography, technical skills as depth of field, aperture and exposure, using the studio with flash (model and portrait), ambient light, product photography (cube) and night photography. A pretty varied course.

• 8 weeks, 2,5 hrs, (18.30-21.00 hrs)

• Start Quartile 2, Tuesday November 13, follow-up 20-27 nov 4-11-18 dec 8-15 jan


Students with UnionCard€ 80,-
Employees University of Twente€ 80,-
Start Digital Photography Alina Pahl