UTServicesCESUTLCTranslating & editing servicesUT English Style guideTricky Spelling and Confusing WordsTricky words for writing measurements and for writing about data-processing

Tricky words for writing measurements and for writing about data-processing

Tricky words for writing measurements

Tricky words for data-processing usage

Forms of the words 'input' and 'output'
These words do not take a different past tense or participle form 

Use instead input and output:

However, note the verb to format, which takes the forms formatted and formatting.

Reference List

European Commission English Style Guide - A handbook for authors and translators in the European Commission Eighth edition: January 2016. Last updated: July 2023 "[PDF File]" https://commission.europa.eu/system/files/2023-07/styleguide_english_dgt_en.pdf

University of Oxford Style Guide. "[PDF File]" Retrieved from https://www.ox.ac.uk/public-affairs/style-guide?wssl=