Purpose and procedures

Purpose and procedures

UT Academic staff whose teaching is in English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) are required by university policy to demonstrate a C1 or C2 level of proficiency, as defined by the proficiency descriptors in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)

Speaking proficiency assessed in an authentic teaching situation

The UTLC has developed an assessment procedure which seeks to evaluate the proficiency levels of UT teaching staff in an authentic teaching situation. Three options are available: 1. Class visit - assessment of a live lecture; 2. Assessment of video-recorded lecture; 3. Group assessment - academic presentation.

Click on the sidebar headings for a more detailed description of each of these procedures.

UT English Proficiency Assessment Form

The UT English Proficiency Assessment Form is an assessment rubric developed at the UTLC based on the assessment criteria and language-level descriptors used in Cambridge English Speaking Examinations.

In particular, the language-level descriptors for each criterion have been adapted from Cambridge assessment rubric(s) in order to fit the more specific academic purpose of the assessment procedures for UT staff.

Assessment Criteria

The UT English Proficiency Assessment Form consists of five separate criteria outlined below :

CEFR/UTLC: Overall Attainment Levels of Proficiency 

C2 - Excellent level of proficiency for effective teaching in English. No further action required.
C1 - Very good level of proficiency for effective teaching in English. No further action required.
B2 - Insufficient level of proficiency, as yet, for effective teaching in English. Further action required

Assessment Report

At the completion of the assessment procedures, a written report will be produced.
If the assessment result is C1 or higher, the report is sent from the UTLC Office to both the candidate and to the Human Resources Office.

If the result is B2, the report is sent directly from the assessor to the candidate who is invited to a meeting either by telephone or in person and an opportunity to discuss the assessment and any follow-up is provided. Following this opportunity to discuss the assessment, the report is sent to the Human Resources Office.

The UTLC assessor will provide brief written feedback pertaining to the candidate’s specific strengths and any areas of proficiency that need improvement. If a teacher receives the indication 'Further action is required’, UTLC Assessors will endeavour to offer suggestions for further language development.

The assessment procedures can be repeated when the candidate feels confident of reaching C1 level, mostly within a year.

NOT an official certification  

It is important to note that these CEFR/UTLC: Overall Levels of Attainment are not universally recognised certifications of CEFR proficiency levels. The levels B1, B2, C1 and C2, as awarded by UTLC Assessors, hold no authority outside of the context of this UT procedure.