UTFacultiesBMSCentreHow to measure internet skills (English and Dutch)

How to measure internet skills (English and Dutch)

by Alexander van Deursen

In 2016, Alexander van Deursen, Ellen Helsper and Rebecca Eynon published an article about the Internet Skills Scale (ISS).

This is the instrument in Ensglish and Dutch (short 20 item version):

Can you indicate to what extent the following statements are true when it comes to your internet use? If you don't understand what the statement refers to then mark "I don't understand this question". If you have never done an activity, imagine how true the statement would be if you were asked to do it now.

Kunt u aangeven in hoeverre de volgende stellingen waar zijn als het gaat over uw internetgebruik? Als u niet begrijpt waar de stelling naar verwijst markeer dan ‘’deze vraag begrijp ik niet’. Als u een activiteit nog nooit gedaan heeft, stelt u zich dan voor hoeverre de stelling waar is als u nu gevraagd zou worden het te doen.

Operationelal internet skills


Information-navigation internet skills 


Communicatie internetvaardigheden


Content creation internet skills


This is a first validation of the instrument. It is suitable for large-scale measurements in questionnaires focusing on differences in skills between groups of people, when the aim is to investigate the influence of the four skills on other variables, or to determine which variables influence the four skills. The instrument provides only an indication of an absolute level of skills that people possess. Task-based performance measures are the most valid solution for determining absolute skill levels.

The authors of the ISS meanwhile continue to work on improvements and updates.

Reference: Van Deursen, A.J.A.M., Helsper, E.J. & Eynon, R. (2016). Development and validation of the Internet Skills Scale (ISS). Information, Communication & Society, 19(6), 804-823.